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[英]How to execute two functions using toggle in jquery?

I used toggle() function for executing two functions. 我使用toggle()函数执行两个函数。 When I click the image with class="favourite", on first click, the first function must be executed and I should get the alert('test1') and for second click, the second function must be executed and I should get the alert('test2') and the execution must stop there. 当我单击带有class =“ favourite”的图像时,第一次单击时,必须执行第一个函数,并且我应该得到alert('test1');对于第二次单击,必须执行第二个函数,并且应该得到警报('test2'),执行必须在此处停止。

My problem is that, When the image is clicked for the second time, I am getting alert('test2') followed by alert('test1'), only second function should be executed for second click ie I should get only alert('test2') on second click. 我的问题是,当第二次单击该图像时,我得到的是alert('test2'),然后是alert('test1'),则只应执行第二个函数才能进行第二次单击,即我应该仅获得alert(' test2')。 How to stop the execution of the first function on second click? 如何在第二次单击时停止执行第一个功能?

This is my jquery code in index.phtml file: 这是我在index.phtml文件中的jquery代码:

    var id = jqry(this).attr('pid');

This is my code in JS file 这是我在JS文件中的代码

    <img class="favourite"  src="images/fav.png" alt="favourite" pid ='project_id'>

The output I am getting on first click is test1 我第一次点击的输出是test1

The output I am getting on second click is test2 test1 我第二次点击的输出是test2 test1

On second click I should get the output alert test2 and stop the execution, but it is further executing the previous function and giving both the alerts ie test2 followed by test1 . 第二次单击时,我应该获得输出警报test2并停止执行,但是它将进一步执行先前的功能并给出两个警报,即test2后跟test1 How can I solve this? 我该如何解决?

The form of .toggle() that you are using was deprecated in jQuery 1.8 and removed in 1.9. 您正在使用的.toggle()格式在jQuery 1.8中已弃用,在1.9中已删除。 In addition, it binds a click handler each time it is called so you really don't want to be calling it multiple times which is probably why you see two alerts because each time you bind it, you get one more callback on a click. 另外,它每次单击都绑定一个单击处理程序,因此您确实不想多次调用它,这可能是为什么您会看到两个警报的原因,因为每次绑定它时,单击都会获得一个回调。 First one, then two, then three, etc... 第一个,然后两个,然后三个,依此类推...

I'd suggest you find a different way of alternating functions on each click. 我建议您在每次点击时找到一种不同的交替功能方式。 Perhaps just set a flag on the item with .data() and alternate based on the flag. 也许只需使用.data()在项目上设置一个标志,然后根据该标志进行替换。

It's not exactly clear what you're trying to do with the .toggle() function on the id element, but this will get you alternating function calls and you can then implement whatever you want in each function: 尚不清楚您要使用id元素上的.toggle()函数做什么,但这将使您交替调用函数,然后可以在每个函数中实现所需的任何功能:

jqry("#wrap").delegate('img.favourite', 'click', function() { 
    var toggle = $(this).data("toggleFlag") || false;
    var id = jqry(this).attr('pid');
    if (toggle) {
         // do whatever you want with id here
    } else {
         // do whatever you want with id here
    // reverse the toggle flag
    $(this).data("toggleFlag", !toggle);

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