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[英]Upload file through url in django

I'm currently creating an app thats supposed to take a input in form of a url (here a PDF-file) and recognize this as a PDF and then upload it to a tmp folder i have on a server. 我当前正在创建一个应用程序,该应用程序应该以url形式输入(此处为PDF文件),并将其识别为PDF,然后将其上传到服务器上的tmp文件夹中。

I have absolutely no idea how to proceed with this. 我绝对不知道该如何进行。 I've already made a form which contains a FileField which works perfectly, but when it comes to urls i have no clue. 我已经制作了一个包含FileField的表单,该表单可以完美地工作,但是当涉及到URL时我却一无所知。

Thank you for all answers, and sorry about the lacking english skills. 感谢您提供所有答案,并对英语能力不足感到抱歉。

The first 4 bytes of a pdf file are %PDF so you could just download the first 4 bytes from that url and compare them to %PDF . pdf文件的前4个字节为%PDF因此您只需从该url下载前4个字节并将它们与%PDF进行比较即可。 If it matches, then download the whole file. 如果匹配,则下载整个文件。

Example: 例:

import urllib2

url = 'your_url'
req = urllib2.urlopen(url)
first_four_bytes = req.read(4)

if first_four_bytes == '%PDF':
    pdf_content = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
    # save to temp folder
    # file is not PDF

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