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[英]Codeigniter Active Record - where time from timestamp is greater than

I am trying to compare the time from a timestamp with the current time. 我正在尝试将时间戳的时间与当前时间进行比较。

I currently have the following line: 我目前有以下一行:

$this->db->where('period_end >', $time);

But this compares 1995-04-08 13:00:00 against 10:43:44 但这与1995-04-08 13:00:0010:43:44

What i want to compare is 13:00:00 against 10:43:44 and ignore the date completely. 我要比较的是13:00:0010:43:44 ,完全忽略了日期。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

You can compare the time part from datatime field by using DATE_FORMAT ,Also using this approach you need to pass third parameter as FALSE to avoid addition of backticks by active record 您可以使用DATE_FORMAT来比较datatime字段中的时间部分,此外,使用此方法时,您需要将第三个参数作为FALSE传递,以避免活动记录添加反引号

$this->db->where("DATE_FORMAT(period_end,'%H:%i:%s') >", $time,FALSE);

Small demo 小示范

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