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[英]How to select specific option using ng-options

I am starting with an array of sources 我从一系列资源开始

$scope.sources = [
            "type": "register",
            "name": "Register 1",
            "balance": 100
            "type": "register",
            "name": "Register 2",
            "balance": 100
            "type": "register",
            "name": "Register 3",
            "balance": 200
            "type": "office",
            "name": "Change Drawer",
            "balance": 200
            "type": "office",
            "name": "Safe",
            "balance": 500

I'm successfully loading the options 我已成功加载选项

<div class="form-group">
    <label>Transfer <strong>{{amount(count, start, selectedItem.balance) | currency}}</strong> To:</label>
    <select id="transferTo" class="form-control" ng-model="form.to" ng-options="item.name for item in sources | filter:{type:'office'}">
        <option value="">-- Select a Source --</option>

I've tried using a $timeout function to select it after it works, but it doesn't pass back the correct value to my function 我尝试过使用$timeout函数在工作后选择它,但是它没有将正确的值传递回我的函数

$timeout(function () {
}, 200);

How would I set the "Safe" as the default option selected when the form loads? 加载表单时,如何将“安全”设置为默认选项?

You will need to set a value on your scope that you're setting ng-model equal to: 您将需要在范围内设置一个值,将ng-model设置为等于:

$scope.form.to = $scope.sources[4];

If your list (sources) is dynamic you can filter the array like this, which will return an array (but leave your array untouched). 如果列表(源)是动态的,则可以像这样过滤数组,这将返回一个数组(但保持不变)。

filterFilter($scope.sources, {name: 'Safe'})

fiddle 小提琴

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