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[英]async.series and async.each not working as expected

I am attempting to build a web scraper using nodeJS that searches a website's HTML for images, caches the image source URLs, then searches for the one with largest size. 我正在尝试使用nodeJS构建一个Web抓取工具,该工具在网站的HTML中搜索图像,缓存图像源URL,然后搜索最大尺寸的URL。

The problem I am having is deliverLargestImage() is firing before the array of image source URLs is looped through to get their file sizes. 我遇到的问题是,在循环通过图像源URL的数组以获取其文件大小之前,正在触发deliverLargestImage() I am attempting to use both async.series and async.each to have this work properly. 我试图同时使用async.seriesasync.each来使其正常工作。

How do I force deliverLargestImage() to wait until the async.each inside getFileSizes() is finished? 如何强制deliverLargestImage()等到async.eachgetFileSizes()完成?


var async, request, cheerio, gm;
async = require('async');
request = require('request');
cheerio = require('cheerio');
gm = require('gm').subClass({ imageMagick: true });

function imageScraper () {
  var imgSources, largestImage;
  imgSources = [];
  largestImage = {
    url: '',
    size: 0

    function getImageUrls (callback) {
      request('http://www.example.com/', function (error, response, html) {
        if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
          var $ = cheerio.load(html);
          $('img').each(function (i, elem) {
            if ( $(this).attr('src').indexOf('http://') > -1 ) {
              var src = $(this).attr('src');
    function getFileSizes (callback) {
      async.each(imgSources, function (img, _callback) {
        gm(img).filesize(function (err, value) {
          checkSize(img, value);
    function deliverLargestImage (callback) {
      return largestImage;

  function checkSize (imgUrl, value) {
    var r, raw;
    if (value !== undefined) {
      r = /\d+/;
      raw = value.match(r)[0];
      if (raw >= largestImage.size) {
        largestImage.url = imgUrl;
        largestImage.size = raw;


Try moving the callback() here: 尝试在此处移动callback()

function getFileSizes (callback) {
  async.each(imgSources, function (img, _callback) {
    gm(img).filesize(function (err, value) {
      checkSize(img, value);
  }, function(err){ callback(err); }); /* <-- put here */
  /* callback(); <-- wrong here */

each accepts a callback as a third parameter that gets executed when the inner loop over each element is finished: each元素each接受一个回调作为第三个参数 ,当每个元素的内部循环完成时将执行该回调:

Arguments 参数

  • arr - An array to iterate over. arr要迭代的数组。
  • iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in arr . iterator(item, callback) -一个应用于arr每个项目的函数。 The iterator is passed a callback(err) which must be called once it has completed. 迭代器传递了一个callback(err) ,完成后必须调用该callback(err) If no error has occured, the callback should be run without arguments or with an explicit null argument. 如果没有发生错误,则应在不使用参数或使用显式null参数的情况下运行callback
  • callback(err) - A callback which is called when all iterator functions have finished, or an error occurs. callback(err) -所有iterator函数完成或发生错误时调用的回调。

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