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[英]Handlebars.js - loop an array excluding the first element?

For a bootstrap carousel item <div class="item"> the first item needs to be active 对于引导轮播项目<div class="item"> ,第一项需要处于活动状态
div class="item active"> though only the first the item div class="item active">尽管只有第一个项目

Thought to write a Handlebars Helper, to loop through like this: 想写一个Handlebars Helper,像这样循环遍历:

  <div class="item active">
    <div class="foo">{{foo.[0]}}</div>
{{#each resArray foo}}
  <div class="item">
    <div class="foo">{{this}}</div>

..though how would this be written correctly? ..尽管如何正确书写?

Handlebars.registerHelper("resArray", function(array) {
  return array[1 to array.length];

Also, where would this helper go? 另外,这个助手会去哪里? ..in my node server.js file where Handlebars is assigned? ..在分配了把手的节点server.js文件中?

Turns out it's as easy as: 事实证明它很简单:

{{#each foo}}
  {{#if @first}}
    <div class="item active">
      <div class="foo">{{this}}</div>
    <div class="item">
      <div class="foo">{{this}}</div>

Use the following code: 使用以下代码:

{{#each foo}}
  <div class="item {{#if @first}}active{{/if}}">
    <div class="foo">{{this}}</div>

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