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[英]Converting VBA code to Fortran

I am trying to solve this equation with Gauss elimination with partial pivoting. 我正在尝试通过部分枢轴的高斯消除来解决这个方程。


so I put 所以我把

 1    2   -1

 5    2    2

-3    5   -1




This is VBA code running well, 这是VBA代码运行良好,

   Option Explicit

Sub GaussElim()
Dim n As Integer, er As Integer, i As Integer
Dim a(10, 10) As Double, b(10) As Double, x(10) As Double
n = 3
a(1, 1) = 1: a(1, 2) = 2: a(1, 3) = -1
a(2, 1) = 5: a(2, 2) = 2: a(2, 3) = 2
a(3, 1) = -3: a(3, 2) = 5: a(3, 3) = -1
b(1) = 2: b(2) = 9: b(3) = 1
Call Gauss(a, b, n, x, er)
If er = 0 Then
  For i = 1 To n
    MsgBox "x(" & i & ") = " & x(i)
  Next i
  MsgBox "ill-conditioned system"
End If
End Sub

Sub Gauss(a, b, n, x, er)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim s(10) As Double
Const tol As Double = 0.000001
er = 0
For i = 1 To n
  s(i) = Abs(a(i, 1))
  For j = 2 To n
    If Abs(a(i, j)) > s(i) Then s(i) = Abs(a(i, j))
  Next j
Next i
Call Eliminate(a, s, n, b, tol, er)
If er <> -1 Then
  Call Substitute(a, n, b, x)
End If
End Sub

Sub Pivot(a, b, s, n, k)
Dim p As Integer, ii As Integer, jj As Integer
Dim factor As Double, big As Double, dummy As Double
p = k
big = Abs(a(k, k) / s(k))
For ii = k + 1 To n
  dummy = Abs(a(ii, k) / s(ii))
  If dummy > big Then
    big = dummy
    p = ii
  End If
Next ii
If p <> k Then
  For jj = k To n
    dummy = a(p, jj)
    a(p, jj) = a(k, jj)
    a(k, jj) = dummy
  Next jj
  dummy = b(p)
  b(p) = b(k)
  b(k) = dummy
  dummy = s(p)
  s(p) = s(k)
  s(k) = dummy
End If
End Sub

Sub Substitute(a, n, b, x)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim sum As Double
x(n) = b(n) / a(n, n)
For i = n - 1 To 1 Step -1
  sum = 0
  For j = i + 1 To n
    sum = sum + a(i, j) * x(j)
  Next j
  x(i) = (b(i) - sum) / a(i, i)
Next i
End Sub

Sub Eliminate(a, s, n, b, tol, er)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim factor As Double
For k = 1 To n - 1
  Call Pivot(a, b, s, n, k)
  If Abs(a(k, k) / s(k)) < tol Then
    er = -1
    Exit For
  End If
  For i = k + 1 To n
    factor = a(i, k) / a(k, k)
    For j = k + 1 To n
      a(i, j) = a(i, j) - factor * a(k, j)
    Next j
    b(i) = b(i) - factor * b(k)
  Next i
Next k
If Abs(a(k, k) / s(k)) < tol Then er = -1
End Sub

and I tried to convert this code to Fortran like below, 我试图将代码转换为如下所示的Fortran,

      program Gauss_Emlimination !with partial pivoting
  implicit none
  INTEGER n, i, j
  REAL A(3,3), B(3), X(3), ER, tol
  tol = 0.000001
  n = 3
  READ(2,*) ((A(I,J),J=1,3),I=1,3)
  READ(3,*) (B(I), I=1,3) 
  CALL Gauss(a, b, n, x, er)
  IF (er .EQ. 0) THEN
      DO i =1, N
          WRITE(4,*) X(i)
      END DO
      WRITE(4,*) "ill-conditioned system"

  SUBROUTINE Gauss(a, b, n, x, er)
  real, intent(inout) :: a(3,3)
  real, intent(inout) :: b(3)
  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real, intent(out) :: x(N)
  REAL, intent(out) :: er
  real, dimension(10) :: S(10)
   DO I= 1, N
       s(i) = ABS(A(i,1))
       DO j = 2, n
           IF (ABS(A(i,j)) .GT. s(i)) THEN
              s(i) = ABS(A(i,j))
           END IF
       END DO
   CALL Eliminate(a, s, n, b, tol, er)
   IF (er .ne. -1) THEN
       CALL Substitute(a, n, b, x)

  SUBROUTINE Pivot(a, b, s, n, k)
  INTEGER ii, jj 
  real, intent(inout) :: a(3,3)
  real, intent(inout) :: b(3)
  integer, intent(in) :: n, K
  integer p
  real, dimension(10) :: S(10)
  DOUBLE PRECISION big, dummy, factor
      p = k
      big = ABS(A(k,k)/S(k))
      DO ii = k+1, n
          dummy = ABS(A(ii, k)/S(ii))
          IF (dummy .GT. big) THEN
              big = dummy
              p = ii
          END IF
      END DO
      IF (p .ne. k) THEN
          DO jj = k, n
              dummy = A(p, jj)
              A(p, jj) = A(k, jj)
              A(k, jj) = dummy
          END DO
          dummy = B(p)
          B(p) = B(k)
          B(k) = dummy
          dummy = S(p)
          S(p) = S(k)
          S(k) = dummy
      END IF

  SUBROUTINE Substitute(a, n, b, x)
  INTEGER i, j
  real, intent(inout) :: a(3,3)
  real, intent(inout) :: b(3)
  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real, intent(out) :: x(N)
  X(n) = B(n)/A(n, n)
  DO i = n-1, 1, -1
      sum = 0
      DO j = i+1, n
          sum = sum +A(i, j)*X(j)
      END DO
      X(n) = (B(n)-sum)/A(n,n)

  SUBROUTINE Eliminate(a, s, n, b, tol, er)
  real, intent(in) :: tol
  real, intent(inout) :: a(3,3)
  real, intent(inout) :: b(3)
  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real, dimension(10) :: S(10)
  real, intent(INout) :: er
  INTEGER i, j, k
  DO K = 1, N-1
      CALL Pivot (a, b, s, n, k)
      IF (ABS(A(K,K)/S(K)) .LT. tol) THEN
      END IF
      DO i = k+1, n
      factor = A(i,k)/A(k,k)
      DO j= k+1, n
          A(i,j) = A(i,j) - factor*B(k)
      END DO
      B(i) = B(i) - factor * B(k)
      END DO
      END DO
      IF (ABS(A(n,n)/S(n)) .LT. tol) THEN 
      er= -1
      END IF

  end program Gauss_Emlimination

and I got no error for this code. 我没有错误的代码。

but the problem is that I got ' 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 -7.1424372E-02' as a result. 但是问题是结果是我得到了'0.0000000E + 00 0.0000000E + 00 -7.1424372E-02'。

it supposed to be 'x(1)=1, x(2)=1, x(3)=1'. 它应该是'x(1)= 1,x(2)= 1,x(3)= 1'。

Could anyone help me to find what is wrong in my algorithm please?? 谁能帮我找出我的算法有什么问题吗?

Firstly, you should make sure you put all these subroutines in a module. 首先,您应确保将所有这些子例程放在模块中。 That way you don't need to declare External GaussElim , for example, in each subroutine as the compiler will know about all the subroutines in the module, and what arguments they expect. 这样,您无需在每个子例程中声明External GaussElim ,因为编译器将知道模块中的所有子例程以及它们期望的参数。 To do that, just put all these subroutines in one file and put them inbetween: 为此,只需将所有这些子例程放在一个文件中,然后将它们放在它们之间:

module gauss_mod

implicit none


! your code here

end module gauss_mod

Then in your main program, you can just put use gauss_mod at the top, and you will have access to all the subroutines in the module. 然后,在主程序中,只需将use gauss_mod放在顶部,就可以访问模块中的所有子例程。 The implicit none tells your compiler that you are going to declare all variables, and it shouldn't guess the type of any you haven't told it about. implicit none告诉您的编译器您将要声明所有变量,并且它不应该猜测尚未告知的任何变量的类型。 This will catch a lot of errors caused by typos, for example. 例如,这将捕获很多由错别字引起的错误。

Secondly, you need to declare the arguments to your subroutines. 其次,您需要为子例程声明参数。 This is what is causing most of your errors. 这就是导致大多数错误的原因。 Outside of GaussElim , none of the other subroutines know what variables like A are. GaussElim之外,其他子例程都不知道像A这样的变量。 As a result, when your compiler sees 结果,当您的编译器看到

s(i) = ABS(A(i,1))

It thinks A(i,1) is a function and gives you errors related to that. 它认为A(i,1)是一个函数,并为您提供与此相关的错误。 You can fix it by simply adding the following line to your subroutines: 您可以通过将以下行添加到子例程中来解决此问题:

double precision, dimension(:,:) :: A

This tells the subroutine that A must have two dimensions, but can be any size. 这告诉子例程A必须具有二维,但可以是任意大小。 You should also add intent(in) for input arguments, intent(out) for output arguments and intent(inout) for arguments which are changed by your subroutines. 您还应该为输入自变量添加intent(in)为输出自变量添加intent(in) intent(out) ,为由子例程更改的自变量添加intent(inout)

Additionally, instead of using double precision , use real and set the kind parameter: 另外,不要使用double precision ,而是使用real并设置kind参数:

module gauss_mod

implicit none

integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15)


! your code here

  ! As an example:
  subroutine gauss(a, b, n, x, er)
    ! dummy arguments
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: a, b
    integer, intent(in) :: n
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: x
    real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: er

    real(kind=dp), dimension(10) :: S(10)
    real(kind=dp), parameter :: tol = 0.000001

    ! rest of subroutine
  end subroutine gauss

end module gauss_mod

Doing these things will get rid of lots of the errors. 做这些事情将消除很多错误。 If you still have errors, you should post the exact error message, and indicate which lines in the code they refer to. 如果仍然有错误,则应发布确切的错误消息,并指出它们所引用的代码行。

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