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ASP.NET 4.5如何使用Ajax控件,但无法在“工具箱”中找到它们?

[英]ASP.NET 4.5 How do I use an Ajax controls, I can't find them in the Toolbox?

total newbie to AJAX, I got the NuGET an I found the Ajax Control Toolkit AJAX的新手,我得到了NuGET,我找到了Ajax Control Toolkit
7.1213.0 7.1213.0

I ran this PM> Install-Package AjaxControlToolkit It said successful at the end. 我运行了这个PM> Install-Package AjaxControlToolkit,它说成功了。 There is nothing to add if I right click a TAB in the toolbox and look in the .NET Framework components. 如果右键单击工具箱中的TAB并查看.NET Framework组件,则没有任何添加。

It says The Ajax Control Toolkit contains more than 40 controls, including... Where do I see them and how do I add them to my WEB page? 它说Ajax控件工具包包含40多个控件,包括...我在哪里看到它们以及如何将它们添加到WEB页面? I see an 'AJAX Extensions' tab in my Toolbox which was there already, but there are not 40 controls. 我在工具箱中看到了一个“ AJAX扩展”选项卡,但是没有40个控件。 Just these Pointer, Scriptmanager, ScriptManagerProxy, Timer, UpdatePanel, UpdatProgress 仅这些指针,脚本管理器,ScriptManagerProxy,计时器,UpdatePanel,UpdatProgress

Are these suppose to be controls I can drag onto my WEB page or how do they work? 这些是我可以拖到我的WEB页面上的控件,还是它们如何工作?

First of all you have to take a look at the sample . 首先,您必须看一下样本

Second, you have to download the AJAX-Control-Toolkit and you will find example projects. 其次,您必须下载AJAX-Control-Toolkit,然后找到示例项目。

How to add it to ToolBox. 如何将其添加到工具箱。

How to add ajaxcontroltoolkit to toolbox in Visual Studio 2012 如何在Visual Studio 2012中将AjaxControlToolkit添加到工具箱

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