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单点登录-为多个组织提供服务(ADFS和Form Auth混合使用)

[英]Single sign on - service for multiple organizations (ADFS and Form Auth mixed)

I want to develop an centralized application where different organization users can log-in and perform operations in my site later i will generate report out of it and give it to each organization. 我想开发一个集中化的应用程序,以便不同的组织用户可以登录并在我的站点中执行操作,稍后我将生成报告并提供给每个组织。 I am maintaining my own SQL DB where i will save all the organization issuer , certificate thumbprint details etc….I am able to dynamically send the signinRequest based on the Organization id. 我正在维护自己的SQL DB,我将在其中保存所有组织发行者,证书指纹详细信息等。我能够根据组织ID动态发送signinRequest。 However, while coming back from their ADFS server with the token i need following details to be added in my web.config to validate the token. 但是,从带有令牌的ADFS服务器返回时,我需要在web.config中添加以下详细信息以验证令牌。 I dont want to expose these details in my web.config for 2 reasons. 由于两个原因,我不想在我的web.config中公开这些详细信息。 - Security [i need to have all the organizations details in config which may result some fraud access] -Performance [if i have 100 organization who is going to use my app, is it advisible to configure all the issuerauthority in my config. -安全[我需要在配置中包含所有组织的详细信息,这可能会导致某些欺诈访问]-性能[如果我有100个将要使用我的应用程序的组织,是否可以在我的配置中配置所有颁发者的权限? wont it hit the performance] 会不会影响演出]

    <issuerNameRegistry type=”System.IdentityModel.Tokens.ValidatingIssuerNameRegistry, System.IdentityModel.Tokens.ValidatingIssuerNameRegistry”>
   < authority name=”name”>
    <add thumbprint="{Org 1 thumbprint}"/>
    <add thumbprint="{Org 2 thumbprint}"/>
    <add thumbprint="{Org 3 thumbprint}"/>
    <add name="http://test.login.edu/adfs/service/trust&quot;>
    <add name="Org 3 url">
    <add name="Org 4 url">
    <add name="Org 5 url">

Your help will be very much appreciated Thanks Jeevitha 非常感谢您的帮助,谢谢Jeevitha

After Some research, i have come up with the solution and it works fine too.. 经过一番研究,我想出了解决方案,它也可以正常工作。

I will have the following setting in my web, config. 我的网站config中将具有以下设置。 [My custom class with do the return token validation from the issuer] [我的自定义类执行发行人的返回令牌验证]

 <issuerNameRegistry type="ADFS_Lib.AccessControlServiceIssuerNameRegistry, ADFS_Lib">

In my class, i will be overridding the IssuerRegistry calss GetIssuerName method and validate the return token and issuer in my DB whether its configured or not 在我的课程中,我将覆盖IssuerRegistry calss GetIssuerName方法,并在数据库中验证返回令牌和颁发者(无论是否已配置)

 public class AccessControlServiceIssuerNameRegistry : IssuerNameRegistry
 public override string GetIssuerName(SecurityToken securityToken, string requestedIssuerName)
//here my DB validation code goes 

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