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Arcgis JavaScript-同时平移和缩放

[英]Arcgis javascript - pan and zoom simultaneously

I'm using my android device to test the arcgis javascript API 's touch support. 我正在使用Android设备测试arcgis javascript API的触摸支持。 I noticed that by default, I cannot pan and zoom the map at the same time, like google maps. 我注意到默认情况下,我无法像Google地图一样同时平移和缩放地图。 Am I missing something? 我想念什么吗? A property, map option, some custom code to achieve this? 一个属性,地图选项,一些自定义代码可以实现此目的?

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

No, you are not missing something. 不,您没有丢失任何东西。 The ESRI javascript API does not support panning and zooming at the same time with touch gestures. ESRI javascript API不支持使用触摸手势同时平移和缩放。

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