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[英]Change app UI from notification action in android

I am working on a To-Do list android app which has the feature of users being able to set reminders which is then shown in the notification bar. 我正在使用待办事项清单android应用程序,该应用程序具有用户能够设置提醒的功能,该提醒随后会显示在通知栏中。 The notification also contains a "Completed" action associated with it. 该通知还包含与之关联的“已完成”操作。 When that action is pressed, it makes some changes to the SQL Lite database. 当按下该操作时,它将对SQL Lite数据库进行一些更改。 Now this works fine if the app was closed. 现在,如果该应用已关闭,则可以正常工作。 But if the app is still open and then I press on the notification action, the UI doesnt change automatically. 但是,如果该应用程序仍处于打开状态,然后我按通知操作,则UI不会自动更改。 I have to close the app and then start it again to see the changed data. 我必须关闭该应用程序,然后再次启动以查看更改的数据。 Is there a way to cause the activity to reload in some way to reflect the changes if the activity was already open. 如果活动已经打开,是否可以通过某种方式使活动重新加载以反映更改。

There are several solutions: 有几种解决方案:

  1. Use DataProvider and call context.getContentResolver().notifyChange() to notify observers about new data with appropriate URI 使用DataProvider并调用context.getContentResolver().notifyChange()通知观察者有关具有适当URI新数据
  2. Use LocalBroadcastManager to register receiver in your Activity and later notify about changes. 使用LocalBroadcastManager在您的Activity中注册接收者,然后通知有关更改。
  3. Use non standard methods of notifying about updated data. 使用非标准方法来通知有关更新的数据。 For instance Otto 例如奥托

So, I recommend you to read about Observer pattern because all solutions are about it. 因此,我建议您阅读有关Observer模式的信息,因为所有解决方案都与此有关。

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