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[英]jQuery filter elements and add class if class not present and if it's the first element

I'd like to filter through a set of elements, adding the class 'active' to the first element only if another element in the set does not contain the class 'active'. 我想过滤一组元素,仅在集合中的另一个元素不包含“活动”类时,才将“活动”类添加到第一个元素中。

I'd also like to hide the other elements if the above statement is true. 如果上述说法正确,我也想隐藏其他元素。

Existing code that needs editing 现有代码需要编辑


My current failed attempt 我目前的失败尝试

$mmenu.filter(function( index ) {


    if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) {


Codepen Codepen

Pen - (edit: now shows correct working example) -(编辑:现在显示正确的工作示例)

This should do what you want.. 这应该做你想要的。

// check and store if .active element exists
var active = $mmenu.not(':first').is('.active');

// if it doesn't exists
if (!active){
    $mmenu.hide() // hide all
          .removeClass('active') // remove the active class from any that have it
          .first() // select the first only
          .addClass('active') // give it the active class
          .show(); // and show it 

Many thanks to Gaby aka G.Petrioli , the working code is as follows: 非常感谢Gaby aka G.Petrioli,其工作代码如下:

$(window).smartresize(function () {

            var $mmenu = $('.menu__main');

            if ($mmenu.length > 0) {

                var $mnav = $('.menu__nav'),
                    $mnav_a = $mnav.find('a'),
                    m = parseInt($mnav.outerHeight(true), 10),
                    $contain = $mmenu.closest('.menu-container'),
                    h = 0,
                    l = 0;

                // check and store if .active element exists
                var active = $mmenu.not(':first').is('.active');

                // if it doesn't exists
                if (!active) {
                    $mmenu.hide() // hide all
                        .removeClass('active') // remove the active class from any that have it
                        .first() // select the first only
                        .addClass('active') // give it the active class
                        .show(); // and show it 


                $mmenu.each(function(z) {

                    var $this = $(this);


                        zIndex: z+1,
                        position: 'absolute',
                        top: m + "px",
                        left: l,
                        height: (parseInt($this.outerHeight(false), 10) + m) + "px"

                    l = l - $this.outerWidth();



            } else {

                $mmenu.each(function(z) {

                    var $this = $(this);


                        zIndex: z+1,
                        position: 'absolute',
                        top: m + "px",
                        height: (parseInt($this.outerHeight(false), 10) + m) + "px"


                var $new_contain = $('.menu__main.active').height();



                $mnav_a.on('click', function(e) {

                    var $this = $(this);

                    if (!$this.hasClass('active')) {

                        $mmenu.stop(true, true);


                            .animate({left:l+"px"}, 250);

                        var $target = $mmenu.filter($this.attr('href'));

                        $contain.animate({height:$target.height()}, 250);

                            .animate({left:0}, 250);


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