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Android,iOS和WPF客户端的WCF Restful服务

[英]WCF Restful services with Android , iOS and WPF Clients

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We are developing a client Server application based application . 我们正在开发基于客户端服务器应用程序的应用程序。 The Server application which will be developed as WCF Services collects data from some instruments and stores it in a database. 将作为WCF Services开发的Server应用程序从一些仪器收集数据并将其存储在数据库中。

The client applications shall query the WCF Services and can search / view data , generate reports , graphs etc. The clients can be any of the following 客户端应用程序应查询WCF服务,并可以搜索/查看数据,生成报告,图形等。客户端可以是以下任意一种

1 - WPF based windows Application 1-基于WPF的Windows应用程序

2 - ASP.NET MVC browser web application 2-ASP.NET MVC浏览器Web应用程序

3 - ASP.NET MVC Mobile web application 3-ASP.NET MVC移动Web应用程序

4 - Native Android apps 4-原生Android应用

5 - Native iOS apps 5-本机iOS应用

Our plan is the following 我们的计划如下

1) Stateless REST based WCF Service Contracts using a token based authentication for search / view data , generate reports , graphs etc. 1)基于无状态REST的WCF服务合同,使用基于令牌的身份验证来搜索/查看数据,生成报告,图形等。

2) A Service Contract with WSDualHttpBinding with reliable session call back control for pushing notifications to .NET Client 2)具有WSDualHttpBinding的服务合同,带有可靠的会话回叫控制,用于将通知推送到.NET Client

3) Native approaches like SignalR or Web sockets for push notifications in case of Android / iOS native applications 3)在Android / iOS本机应用程序的情况下,诸如SignalR或Web套接字之类的本机方法用于推送通知

is this a good approach 这是一个好方法吗

I think first one makes sense. 我认为第一个是有道理的。 You should also consider about the security of web service transaction.You can read about oauth. 您还应该考虑Web服务事务的安全性。可以阅读有关oauth的信息。

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