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[英]How to get multiple parameters with same name from a URL in PHP and insert all records into table

I'm using MySQL query to insert multiple records into table. 我正在使用MySQL查询将多个记录插入表中。 In my url i get all records that i have entered but in database it only updates my last record. 在我的url中,我得到了我输入的所有记录,但是在数据库中,它仅更新了我的最后一条记录。 I am using here onclick function to add new table rows. 我在这里使用onclick函数来添加新的表行。 Any help. 任何帮助。 Here is my code 这是我的代码

if (isset($_GET['submit']))
    $s = new shine;
    $date1 = date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Kolkata');

    $date1= time() ;
    $newdate1 = date("d-m-Y", $date1);

    for ($i=0; $i < count($_GET['finished_product_name']); $i++ )
        $product =$_GET['finished_product_name'];
        $material = $_GET['material_name'];
        $quantity = $_GET['product_quantity'];

        // mysql_query("INSERT INTO material_used (product_name, material_name, product_quantity, date) VALUES ('$a', '$b', '$c','$newdate1')") or die(mysql_error());
        $insert ="insert into material_used set `product_name` = '".$product."', `material_name` = '".$material."', `product_quantity` = '".$quantity."',`date` = '".$newdate1."' ";                   
        $select = mysql_query($insert) or die(mysql_error());

You try to assign a value with same name.so your last value replace with the existing value. 您尝试分配一个具有相同名称的值。因此,最后一个值将替换为现有值。

for example :your URL look like, 例如:您的网址如下所示:


so your $_GET['finished_product_name'] has value is pqr not abc . 因此您的$_GET['finished_product_name']值为pqr而不是abc

If you can change the field name with include [] , then PHP will create an array containing all of the matching values: 如果可以使用include []更改字段名称,则PHP将创建一个包含所有匹配值的数组:


your URL example like, 您的网址示例如下:


your for loop is : 您的for循环是:

for ($i=0; $i < count($_POST['finished_product_name']); $i++ )
    $product =$_POST['finished_product_name'][$i];
    $material = $_POST['material_name'][$i];
    $quantity = $_POST'product_quantity'][$i]; 
$insert ="insert into material_used(product_name,material_name,product_quantity,date) VALUES( '$product',  '$material','.$quantiy','$newdate1')                  

use following function to insert data in DB 使用以下功能在DB中插入数据



    function Insert( $table, $condition )
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `$table` SET ";
    $content = null;
    foreach ( $condition as $k => $v )
        $v_str = null;
        if ( is_numeric($v) )
            $v_str = "'{$v}'";
        else if ( is_null($v) )
            $v_str = 'NULL';
            $v_str = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'";

        $content .= "`$k`=$v_str,";
    $content = trim($content, ',');
    $sql .= $content;
    return $result = mysql_query($sql);

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