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[英]Nodes are missing in Neoclipse graph

在此处输入图片说明 I have created Neo4j nodes and relatioships in java ,their values are coming from DB.When i am trying to display it on Neoclipse only first two nodes and their relationship is shown. 我在Java中创建了Neo4j节点和关系,它们的值来自DB。当我试图在Neoclipse上显示它时,仅显示前两个节点及其关系。 Code: 码:

 GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase("D://ws-NEO//Fade");
        Transaction tx=graphDb.beginTx();       
        Connection conn = null;
        Statement stat=conn.createStatement();
        String sql="select * from Fade where App_Int_Id < 19";  //Two records are there in result
        ResultSet rs=stat.executeQuery(sql);        
        String n1 = "",n2="",rel="",type="";
        Node first=graphDb.createNode();
        first.setProperty("name", n1);  

        Node second=graphDb.createNode();
        second.setProperty("name", n2);         
        RelationshipType KNOWS = DynamicRelationshipType.withName(rel);     

            first.createRelationshipTo(second, KNOWS);      
            {    tx.finish();

It outputs two records in console:
node1 -- My App
node2 -- GCAM
relationship -- Cash focus
Node1 ceated  
Node2 ceated
relationship created
node1 -- My Test app
node2 -- GCAM
relationship -- Test Interface 11
Node1 ceated  
Node2 ceated
relationship created

however only single record is displayed in Neoclipse ,others are missing . 但是Neoclipse中仅显示单个记录,其他记录则丢失。 Plz guide. PLZ指南。

Neoclipse seems to have a default traversal depth of 1, giving you the result that you saw. Neoclipse的默认遍历深度似乎为1,从而为您提供看到的结果。 But the traversal depth is adjustable, and neoclipse will remember the last-used traversal depth the next time it starts up. 但是遍历深度是可调整的,并且Neoclipse会在下次启动时记住上一次使用的遍历深度。

To increment the traversal depth, you can click on the green '+' button in the toolbar at the top of the graph pane, and to decrement it you click on the green '-' button. 要增加遍历深度,可以在图形窗格顶部的工具栏中单击绿色的“ +”按钮,而要减小其深度,请单击绿色的“-”按钮。

You can also change the starting node (for traversal purposes) by clicking on it. 您也可以通过单击更改起始节点(出于遍历目的)。 And double-clicking on a node causes all its neighbor nodes to display. 双击节点将显示其所有邻居节点。

There is a lot more functionality, but you need to read the help documentation and play around with the tool to discover all its capabilities. 还有很多功能,但是您需要阅读帮助文档并试用该工具以发现其所有功能。

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