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[英]Linq to get distinct subdirectories from list of paths

I am trying to make a File Directory browser in C# for a project. 我正在尝试在C#中为项目创建文件目录浏览器。

I start with the current path (for this example it will be '/'). 我从当前路径开始(对于这个例子,它将是'/')。

From the list of paths that I have 从我有的路径列表

Example: /a/b, /a/bb, /a/bbb, /b/a, /b/aa, /b/aaa, /c/d, /d/e 示例:/ a / b,/ a / bb,/ a / bbb,/ b / a,/ b / aa,/ b / aaa,/ c / d,/ d / e

I would like to return a list of distinct subdirectories 我想返回一个不同的子目录列表

Expected return: /a/, /b/, /c/, /d/ 预期回报:/ a /,/ b /,/ c /,/ d /

How would one go about using LINQ to accomplish this? 如何使用LINQ来实现这一目标?

I think this just about covers it. 我认为这只是涵盖它。 Sample console app: 示例控制台应用:

public static void Main()
    string[] paths = new[] { "/a/b", "/a/bb", "/a/bbb", "/b/a", "/b/aa", "/b/aaa", "/c/d", "/d/e" }; 
    string root = "/";

    Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", paths.Select(s => GetSubdirectory(root, s)).Where(s => s != null).Distinct()));

static string GetSubdirectory(string root, string path)
    string subDirectory = null;
    int index = path.IndexOf(root);

    if (root != path && index == 0)
        subDirectory = path.Substring(root.Length, path.Length - root.Length).Trim('/').Split('/')[0];

    return subDirectory;

See fiddle: http://dotnetfiddle.net/SXAqxY 请参阅小提琴: http//dotnetfiddle.net/SXAqxY

Sample input: "/" 样本输入:“/”
Sample output: a, b, c, d 样本输出:a,b,c,d

Sample input: "/a" 样本输入:“/ a”
Sample output: b, bb, bbb 样本输出:b,bb,bbb

I may missing the point, but wouldn't something like this be what you are looking for? 我可能会忽略这一点,但是这样的东西不会是你想要的吗?

var startingPath = @"c:\";

var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(startingPath);

var result = directoryInfo.GetDirectories().Select(x => x.FullName).ToArray();

The result would be an array of paths to the various immediate sub directories (example): 结果将是到各个直接子目录的路径数组(示例):

  1. "c:\\Boot" “C:\\启动”
  2. "c:\\Temp" “C:\\ TEMP”
  3. etc. 等等

Assuming you have a list of paths named paths , you can do something like this: 假设您有一个名为paths的路径列表,您可以执行以下操作:

string currentDirectory = "/";
var distinctDirectories = paths.Where(p => p.StartsWith(currentDirectory)
                               .Select(p => GetFirstSubDir(p, currentDirectory)).Distinct();


string GetFirstSubDir(string path, string currentDirectory)
    int index = path.IndexOf('/', currentDirectory.Length);
    if (index >= 0)
        return path.SubString(currentDirectory.Length - 1, index + 1 - currentDirectory.Length);
    return path.SubString(currentDirectory.Length - 1);

You can use Path.GetPathRoot 您可以使用Path.GetPathRoot

var rootList = new List <string>();

foreach (var fullPath in myPaths)

return rootList.Distinct();

Or: 要么:

myPaths.Select(x => Path.GetPathRoot(x)).Distinct();

Or use Directory.GetDirectoryRoot: 或者使用Directory.GetDirectoryRoot:

myPaths.Select(x => Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(x)).Distinct();

Edit 编辑

If you want the N+1 path you could do: 如果你想要N + 1路径,你可以这样做:

string dir = @"C:\Level1\Level2;  

string root = Path.GetPathRoot(dir);

string pathWithoutRoot = dir.Substring(root.Length);       

string firstDir = pathWithoutRoot.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).First();
void Main()
  string [] paths = {  @"/a/b", @"/a/bb", @"/a/bbb", @"/b/a", @"/b/aa", @"/b/aaa", @"/c/d", @"/d/e" };

  var result = paths.Select(x => x.Split('/')[1]).Distinct();


If you don't know if you have a leading / then use this: 如果你不知道你是否有领先/然后使用这个:

var result = paths.Select(x =>x.Split(new string [] {"/"},

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