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无法通过AngularJS中的javascript数组“ ng-repeat”(通过从Django获取JSON对象)

[英]can't 'ng-repeat' through javascript array in AngularJS, (by getting a JSON object from Django)

This question is not Django related in any way because my Django view which returns a dummy JSON object works perfectly, just thought I would share the Django view which converts a Model.objects.all() into pure JSON data then returns this pure data for an Angular controller to read and process through an ng-repeat: 这个问题与Django没有任何关系,因为我的返回虚拟JSON对象的Django视图工作完美,只是以为我会共享将Model.objects.all()转换为纯JSON数据的Django视图,然后为一个通过ng-repeat进行读取和处理的Angular控制器:

from django.core import serializers
from django.utils import simplejson

def json(request):

    all_objects = list(Message.objects.all())
    to_json = serializers.serialize('json', all_objects)

    return HttpResponse(to_json, mimetype='application/json')

Now on to my question, I'm not sure if I'm having an Angular issue or pure JavaScript issue. 现在我的问题,我不确定是遇到Angular问题还是纯JavaScript问题。 I have an Angular controller called testjson which calls that Django view above which then successfully returns a JSON object like this: 我有一个名为testjson的Angular控制器,它调用上面的Django视图,然后成功返回这样的JSON对象:

         "body":"hey everyone",
         "body":"How's it going?",
         "body":"So what's going on right now",
         "body":"Going pretty well actually",

And so I would just like to grab the body of a particular chat_feed to be printed in Angular JS using Angular's ng-repeat to get something like this if I wanted all chat messages from chat_feed "Dating": 因此,如果我希望所有来自chat_feed “ Dating”的聊天消息,我想使用Angular的ng-repeat来获取要在Angular JS中打印的特定chat_feed的主体,以获取如下内容:

<div ng-controller="testjson" ng-click="getJSON()">
    <ul ng-model="chatfeed">
        <li ng-repeat="post in chatfeed">{$ post $}</li>

So in order to get the ng-repeat to work, I believe. 因此,为了使ng-repeat起作用,我相信。 I would have to loop through the raw JSON object, grab the 'body' string from each index and store them into an array so that's what I did: 我将不得不遍历原始JSON对象,从每个索引中获取“ body”字符串并将它们存储到数组中,这就是我所做的:

app.controller("testjson", function($scope, $http)
        $scope.getJSON = function()

                var JSONObject = $http.get('http://domfa.de/testjson/').success(function(data)
                    $scope.totalfeed = data.length;

                    chatarray = new Array();
                    for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++)
                        if (data[i].fields.chat_feed == $scope.currentFeed)
                            chatarray[i] = data[i].fields.chat_feed;        

                    $scope.chatfeed = chatarray;



So after all that, my console.log seems to be returning the proper array just fine with the "body" s from the correct chat_feed . 所以毕竟,我的console.log似乎正在从正确的chat_feed返回与"body" chat_feed的适当数组。 Console.log() is doing what I want it to do and the array it prints is properly formatted with perfect syntax, but as for the HTML which calls the ng-repeat="post in chatfeed" angular function it doesn't seem to print anything at all unless I physically copy and past the array console.log() prints out and replace ng-model="chatfeed" with a hardcoded array the console.log() generates for me with no problems using ng-init="['hows it going?', 'hey everyone']" . Console.log()正在做我想做的事,并且它打印的数组已使用完美的语法正​​确格式化,但是对于调用ng-repeat="post in chatfeed" angular函数的HTML来说,它似乎并没有除非我物理复制并经过数组console.log() ng-model="chatfeed"打印出所有内容,否则会用console.log()为我生成的硬编码数组使用硬编码数组替换ng-model="chatfeed"并使用ng-init="['hows it going?', 'hey everyone']"

You are calling getJSON to populate chatfeed when the div is clicked. 单击div时,您正在调用getJSON来填充chatfeed I wasn't able to trigger getJSON because I couldn't see where to click. 我无法触发getJSON因为我看不到要单击的位置。 So, I added some text to the div: 因此,我在div中添加了一些文本:

<div ng-controller="MainCtrl" ng-click="getJSON()">click me!
    <li ng-repeat="post in chatfeed">{{ post }}</li>

When I clicked the div, I got an error message regarding duplicates in ng-repeat . 当我单击div时,收到有关ng-repeat项的错误消息。 If currentFeed = 'Dating', then there are 3 matching chat posts with the 'Dating' chat_feed . 如果currentFeed = 'Dating',那么将有3个匹配的聊天帖子带有' chat_feed To allow for the duplicates, I added a tracking expression: 为了允许重复,我添加了一个跟踪表达式:

<li ng-repeat="post in chatfeed track by $index">{{ post }}</li>

But then, the list only displayed 'Dating' 3 times. 但是,此列表仅显示“约会” 3次。 You want the messages to be displayed - not the category. 您希望显示消息,而不是类别。 So, I changed the getJSON to add body instead of chat_feed to chatarray : 因此,我将getJSON更改为将body而不是chat_feed添加到chatarray


After making this change, the tracking expression is no long necessary because the body of each chat is unique. 进行此更改后,不再需要跟踪表达式,因为每个聊天的body都是唯一的。

Here is the plunker demo with the final adjustments: http://plnkr.co/edit/J4PtDpeRHO8TVItUnHJw?p=preview 这是经过最终调整的插件演示: http ://plnkr.co/edit/J4PtDpeRHO8TVItUnHJw?p=preview

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