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[英]Transforming one JAXB Object to another using XSLT

I found this question, which helped me a bit, but not enough: Transform From one JAXB object to another using XSLT template 我发现了这个问题,这对我有所帮助,但还不够: 使用XSLT模板从一个JAXB对象转换到另一个JAXB对象

What I have is this: 我有的是这个:

  • A source JAXB Object 源JAXB对象
  • A class for my target JAXB Object 我的目标JAXB对象的类
  • A path to the XSLT I want to use to transform my original object to my target object 我希望用来将原始对象转换为目标对象的XSLT路径

What I'm trying is this: 我正在尝试的是这个:

 * Transforms one JAXB object into another with XSLT
 * @param src The source object to transform
 * @param xsltPath Path to the XSLT file to use for transformation
 * @return The transformed object
public static <T, U> U transformObject(final T src, final String xsltPath) {
    // Transform the JAXB object to another JAXB object with XSLT, it's magic!

    // Marshal the original JAXBObject to a DOMResult
    DOMResult domRes = Marshaller.marshalObject(src);

    // Do something here 
    SAXTransformerFactory tf = (SAXTransformerFactory) TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    StreamSource xsltSrc = new StreamSource(xsltPath);
    TransformerHandler th = tf.newTransformerHandler(xsltSrc);

At this point, I'm puzzled. 在这一点上,我很困惑。 How do I obtain my transformed Document? 我如何获得转换后的文档? From that point, unmarshalling it back to a JAXB object shouldn't be too hard, I think. 从那时起,我认为将其解组回JAXB对象应该不会太难。

As far as I know, there's no way to do this without marshalling, right? 据我所知,没有编组就没办法做到这一点,对吧?


Here is a full working example, using Saxon specifically as my XSLT's are using XSLT 2.0: 这是一个完整的工作示例,特别是使用Saxon,因为我的XSLT正在使用XSLT 2.0:

     * Transforms one JAXB object into another with an XSLT Source
     * @param src
     *            The source (JAXB)object to transform
     * @param xsltSrc
     *            Source of the XSLT to use for transformation
     * @return The transformed (JAXB)object
    public static <T, U> U transformObject(final T src, final Source xsltSrc, final Class<U> clazz) {
        try {
            final JAXBSource jxSrc = new JAXBSource(JAXBContext.newInstance(src.getClass()), src);
            final TransformerFactory tf = new net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl();
            final Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(xsltSrc);
            final JAXBResult jxRes = new JAXBResult(JAXBContext.newInstance(clazz));
            t.transform(jxSrc, jxRes);
            final U res = (U) jxRes.getResult();

            return res;

        } catch (JAXBException | TransformerException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

You can instantiate the xsltSrc through Source xsltSrc = new StreamSource(new File(...)); 您可以通过Source xsltSrc = new StreamSource(new File(...));实例化xsltSrc Source xsltSrc = new StreamSource(new File(...));

You could use JAXBSource and JAXBResult directly with your transformation. 您可以直接使用JAXBSourceJAXBResult进行转换。

JAXBSource source = new JAXBSource(marshaller, src);
JAXBResult result = new JAXBResult(jaxbContext);
transformer.transform(source, result);
Object result = result.getResult();

For More Information 欲获得更多信息

You can find an example of using JAXB with the javax.xml.transform APIs on my blog: 您可以在我的博客上找到使用JAXB和javax.xml.transform API的示例:

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