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[英]Python error as using rcost to route in PostgreSQL

I use pyscripter to call PostgreSQL from outside and route my network, and here's my code, 我使用pyscripter从外部调用PostgreSQL并路由我的网络,这是我的代码,

import sys, os

#set up psycopg2 environment
import psycopg2

#driving_distance module
query = """
    select *
    from driving_distance ($$
            gid as id,
            source::int4 as source,
            target::int4 as target,
            cost::double precision as cost
        from network
        $$, %s, %s, %s, %s

#make connection between python and postgresql
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname = 'TC_area' user = 'postgres' host = 'localhost' password = 'xxxx'")
cur = conn.cursor()

#count rows in the table
cur.execute("select count(*) from network")
result = cur.fetchone()
k = result[0] + 1                #number of points = number of segments + 1

#run loops
rs = []
i = 1
while i <= k:
    cur.execute(query, (i, 1000000, False, True))
    i = i + 1

#import csv module
import csv

j = 0
h = 0
ars = []
element = list(rs)

#export data to every row
with open('distMatrix.csv', 'wb') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ',')
    while j <= k - 1:
        while h <= k - 1:
            rp = element[j][h][1]
            h = h + 1
            h = 0
            ars = []
        j = j + 1


The result is good, but if I want to use the reverse_cost function in the function driving_distance in PostgreSQL, I just add one line below the 'cost::double precision as cost', 其结果是好的,但如果我想使用reverse_cost功能在PostgreSQL的功能driving_distance,我只是下面加一条线“成本::双精度为代价”,

rcost::double precision as reverse_cost

I got this error box popped out after I added this line, 添加此行后,弹出此错误框,


and the error message in python IDLE, 以及python IDLE中的错误消息,

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\Heinz\Documents\pyscript\postgresql\distMatrix.py.py", line 47, in <module>
    cur.execute(query, (i, 1000000, False, True))
ProgrammingError: 錯誤:  在"語法錯誤"附近發生 rcost
LINE 7:             rcost::double precision as reverse_cost
            gid as id,
            source::int4 as source,
            target::int4 as target,
            cost::double precision as cost
            rcost::double precision as reverse_cost
        from network

PS. PS。 I have altered the table of this network, thus it does have a 'rcost' column, and here's the part of view, 我已经更改了该网络的表格,因此它确实有一个“ rcost”列,这是视图的一部分,


If I execute the code inside pgAdmin, I could successfully get the right result, 如果我在pgAdmin中执行代码,则可以成功获得正确的结果,

SELECT * FROM driving_distance('
SELECT gid as id,
    source::int4 AS source, 
    target::int4 AS target,
    cost::double precision as cost,
    rcost::double precision as reverse_cost
    FROM network',
3, 10000000, false, True);


But I need python to do the loop, how can I solve this problem? 但是我需要python来做循环,如何解决这个问题?

PS. PS。 If I set both boolean in the function to FALSE, theoretically the program will ignore rcost and return answers calculated from cost only, but I still got the same error, 如果我将函数中的两个布尔值都设置为FALSE,理论上该程序将忽略rcost并仅返回根据cost计算得出的答案,但是我仍然遇到相同的错误,


The problem seems results from rcost . 问题似乎是rcost造成的

I am using PostgreSQL 8.4, python 2.7.6 under Windows 8.1 x64. 我正在Windows 8.1 x64下使用PostgreSQL 8.4,python 2.7.6。

UPDATE#1 更新#1

I changed 2 lines in my script and then it works, 我在脚本中更改了2行,然后就可以了,

cost::double precision as cost,                    #need to add a trailing comma if followed by rcost

cur.execute(query, (i, 100000000000, False, True)) #the range must be greater than max of rcost

您的行“ cost :: double precision as cost”需要结尾的逗号。

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