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C 中的回溯

[英]Backtracking in C

I've heard about backtracking and I've searched a little bit .I thought I got the idea and wrote this piece of code to solve sudoku , but it seems to give wrong solutions (for example repeated numbers in a row) , what exactly i am doing wrong here ?我听说过回溯,我搜索了一下。我以为我明白了并写了这段代码来解决数独,但它似乎给出了错误的解决方案(例如连续重复数字),究竟是什么我在这里做错了吗?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define N 9

bool not_in_row(int temp , int i , int grid[N][N]){

int f ;
for(f = 0 ; f < N ; f++)
    if(grid[i][f] == temp)
        return false ;
return true ;

bool not_in_column(int temp , int j , int grid[N][N]){

int f ;
for(f = 0 ; f < N ; f++)
    if(grid[f][j] == temp)
        return false ;
return true ;

bool not_in_sq(int i , int j , int grid[N][N] , int temp){

int k , t ; 
int s = i - (i % 3) + 3, v = j - (j % 3) + 3;
for(k =  i - (i % 3) ; i < s ; i++)
    for(t = j - (j % 3) ; j < v ; j++)
        if(grid[k][t] == temp)
          return false ;
return true ;

bool sudoku_Solver(int grid[N][N] , int position){

if(position == 81)
    return true ;
int i = position / 9 , j = position % 9 ;

if(grid[i][j] != 0)
    return sudoku_Solver(grid , position + 1) ;


int temp ;

for(temp = 1 ; temp <= N ; temp++){
    if(not_in_row(temp , i , grid) && not_in_column(temp , j , grid) && not_in_sq(i , j , grid , temp))
        grid[i][j] = temp ;
        if(sudoku_Solver(grid , position + 1))
                return true ;

grid[i][j] = 0 ;    
return false ;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int i , j ;
int grid[9][9] = {{0,1,0,0,4,0,0,0,0}
                    } ;

sudoku_Solver(grid , 0) ;

for(i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++){
    for(j = 0 ; j < 9 ; j++){
        printf("%d " , grid[i][j]) ;
    printf("\n") ;
return 0;

Your loops in not_in_sq are wrong:您在not_in_sq中的循环是错误的:

for(k =  i - (i % 3) ; i < s ; i++)
    for(t = j - (j % 3) ; j < v ; j++)

Look closely at i < s , i++ , j < v , and j++ .仔细观察i < si++j < vj++ They are obviously incorrect.他们显然是不正确的。 Here they are fixed:在这里,它们是固定的:

for(k =  i - (i % 3) ; k < s ; k++)
    for(t = j - (j % 3) ; t < v ; t++)

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