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[英]N-ary tree in python

I want to create a N-ary tree in which each node will contain a key(name) and a value.我想创建一个 N 叉树,其中每个节点都包含一个键(名称)和一个值。

1 root then N children with two fields = name and associate value and again each children have N-children with 2 fields. 1 个根,然后是 N 个孩子,有两个字段 = 名称和关联值,每个孩子都有 N 个孩子,有 2 个字段。

looking for simpler approach without using class using only dictionary and lists (if possible??).寻找更简单的方法而不使用 class 仅使用字典和列表(如果可能的话??)。

class Node():
    #Do something
    # ....
class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, name, value):
        self.name = name
        self.value = value
        self.children = []
    def add_child(self, obj):

You say youre looking for a "simpler approach without using class" but my claim here is that 9 times out of 10 using a class for this will be the simpler approach. 您说您正在寻找一种“不使用类的简单方法”,但是我的主张是,使用类的十分之九的方法是更简单的方法。

If you insist on not using classes:如果你坚持不使用类:

def create_node(name, value):
    return {
        'name': name,
        'value': value,
        'children': []

def add_child(node, obj):

node = create_node('foo', 0)
add_child(node, create_node('bar', 1))

# Result: {'name': 'foo', 'value': 0, 'children': [{'name': 'bar', 'value': 1, 'children': []}]}

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