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[英]How to encode text to base64 in python

I am trying to encode a text string to base64.我正在尝试将文本字符串编码为 base64。

i tried doing this :我试着这样做:

name = "your name"
print('encoding %s in base64 yields = %s\n'%(name,name.encode('base64','strict')))

But this gives me the following error:但这给了我以下错误:

LookupError: 'base64' is not a text encoding; use codecs.encode() to handle arbitrary codecs

How do I go about doing this ?我该怎么做呢? ( using Python 3.4) (使用 Python 3.4)

Remember to import base64 and that b64encode takes bytes as an argument.请记住导入 base64 并且 b64encode 将字节作为参数。

import base64
base64.b64encode(bytes('your string', 'utf-8'))

It turns out that this is important enough to get it's own module ...事实证明,这对于获得它自己的模块非常重要......

import base64
base64.b64encode(b'your name')  # b'eW91ciBuYW1l'
base64.b64encode('your name'.encode('ascii'))  # b'eW91ciBuYW1l'

1) This works without imports in Python 2: 1) 这在 Python 2 中无需导入即可工作:

>>> 'Some text'.encode('base64')
>>> 'U29tZSB0ZXh0\n'.decode('base64')
'Some text'
>>> 'U29tZSB0ZXh0'.decode('base64')
'Some text'

(although this doesn't work in Python3 ) (虽然这在 Python3 中不起作用)

2) In Python 3 you'd have to import base64 and do base64.b64decode('...') - will work in Python 2 too. 2) 在 Python 3 中,您必须导入 base64 并执行 base64.b64decode('...') - 在 Python 2 中也可以使用。

For py3 , base64 encode and decode string:对于py3 ,base64 encodedecode字符串:

import base64

def b64e(s):
    return base64.b64encode(s.encode()).decode()

def b64d(s):
    return base64.b64decode(s).decode()

To compatibility with both py2 and py3兼容 py2 和 py3

import six
import base64

def b64encode(source):
    if six.PY3:
        source = source.encode('utf-8')
    content = base64.b64encode(source).decode('utf-8')

It looks it's essential to call decode() function to make use of actual string data even after calling base64.b64decode over base64 encoded string.即使在对 base64 编码的字符串调用 base64.b64decode 之后,调用 decode() 函数以利用实际的字符串数据看起来也很重要。 Because never forget it always return bytes literals.因为永远不要忘记它总是返回字节文字。

import base64
conv_bytes = bytes('your string', 'utf-8')
print(conv_bytes)                                 # b'your string'
encoded_str = base64.b64encode(conv_bytes)
print(encoded_str)                                # b'eW91ciBzdHJpbmc='
print(base64.b64decode(encoded_str))              # b'your string'
print(base64.b64decode(encoded_str).decode())     # your string

Whilst you can of course use the base64 module, you can also to use the codecs module (referred to in your error message) for binary encodings (meaning non-standard & non-text encodings).虽然您当然可以使用base64模块,但您也可以使用codecs模块(在您的错误消息中提到)进行二进制编码(意味着非标准和非文本编码)。

For example:例如:

import codecs
my_bytes = b"Hello World!"
codecs.encode(my_bytes, "base64")
codecs.encode(my_bytes, "hex")
codecs.encode(my_bytes, "zip")
codecs.encode(my_bytes, "bz2")

This can come in useful for large data as you can chain them to get compressed and json-serializable values:这对于大数据很有用,因为您可以将它们链接起来以获取压缩和 json 可序列化的值:

my_large_bytes = my_bytes * 10000


Use the below code:使用以下代码:

import base64

#Taking input through the terminal.
welcomeInput= raw_input("Enter 1 to convert String to Base64, 2 to convert Base64 to String: ") 

if(int(welcomeInput)==1 or int(welcomeInput)==2):
    #Code to Convert String to Base 64.
    if int(welcomeInput)==1:
        inputString= raw_input("Enter the String to be converted to Base64:") 
        base64Value = base64.b64encode(inputString.encode())
        print "Base64 Value = " + base64Value
    #Code to Convert Base 64 to String.
    elif int(welcomeInput)==2:
        inputString= raw_input("Enter the Base64 value to be converted to String:") 
        stringValue = base64.b64decode(inputString).decode('utf-8')
        print "Base64 Value = " + stringValue

    print "Please enter a valid value."

Base64 encoding is a process of converting binary data to an ASCII string format by converting that binary data into a 6-bit character representation. Base64编码是将二进制数据转换为 ASCII 字符串格式的过程,方法是将二进制数据转换为6 位字符表示。 The Base64 method of encoding is used when binary data, such as images or video, is transmitted over systems that are designed to transmit data in a plain-text (ASCII) format.当二进制数据(例如图像或视频)通过旨在以纯文本(ASCII) 格式传输数据的系统进行传输时,使用Base64编码方法。

Follow this link for further details about understanding and working of base64 encoding.请点击此链接了解有关理解和使用base64编码的更多详细信息。

For those who want to implement base64 encoding from scratch for the sake of understanding, here's the code that encodes the string to base64 .对于那些为了理解而想从头开始实现base64编码的人,这里是将字符串编码为base64的代码。


#!/usr/bin/env python3.10

class Base64Encoder:

    #base64Encoding maps integer to the encoded text since its a list here the index act as the key
    base64Encoding:list = None

    #data must be type of str or bytes
    def encode(data)->str:
        #data = data.encode("UTF-8")

        if not isinstance(data, str) and not isinstance(data, bytes):
            raise AttributeError(f"Expected {type('')} or {type(b'')} but found {type(data)}")

        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = data.encode("ascii")

        if Base64Encoder.base64Encoding == None:
            #construction base64Encoding
            Base64Encoder.base64Encoding = list()
            #mapping A-Z
            for key in range(0, 26):
                Base64Encoder.base64Encoding.append(chr(key + 65))
            #mapping a-z
            for key in range(0, 26):
                Base64Encoder.base64Encoding.append(chr(key + 97))
            #mapping 0-9
            for key in range(0, 10):
                Base64Encoder.base64Encoding.append(chr(key + 48))
            #mapping +
            #mapping /

        if len(data) == 0:
            return ""

        bytes_to_append = -(length%3)+(3 if length%3 != 0 else 0)
        binary_list = []
        for s in data:
            ascii_value = s
            binary = f"{ascii_value:08b}" 
            #binary = bin(ascii_value)[2:]
            #print(s, binary, type(binary))
            for bit in binary:
        bits_to_append = -(length%6) + (6 if length%6 != 0 else 0)


        base64 = []

        value = 0
        for index, bit in enumerate(reversed(binary_list)):
            #print (f"{bit=}")
            #converting block of 6 bits to integer value 
            value += ( 2**(index%6) if bit=='1' else 0)
            #print(bit, end = '')
            if (index+1)%6 == 0:
                #print(' ', end="")

                #resetting value
                value = 0

        #padding if there is less bytes and returning the result
        return ''.join(reversed(base64))+''.join(['=']*bytes_to_append)


#!/usr/bin/env python3.10

from encoder import Base64Encoder

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(Base64Encoder.encode("1 2 10 13 -7"))

    with open("image.jpg", "rb") as file_data:


$ ./testEncoder.py 

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