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[英]python : list of dictionary values by alphabetical order of keys


You have several options; 你有几个选择; the easiest is to just sort the items , picking out the values with a list comprehension: 最简单的方法是对项目进行排序,使用列表推导来挑选值:

[v for k, v in sorted(dictionary.iteritems())]

as tuples are sorted lexicographically; 因为元组按字典顺序排序; by key first, then on value. 首先按键,然后按值。 Replace iteritems() with items() if you are using Python 3. 更换iteritems()items()如果你正在使用Python 3。

You can sort just the keys and translate those to values: 您可以只对键进行排序并将其转换为值:

[dictionary[k] for k in sorted(dictionary)]

Demo: 演示:

>>> dictionary = {'foo': 42, 'bar': 38, 'baz': 20}
>>> [v for k, v in sorted(dictionary.iteritems())]
[38, 20, 42]
>>> [dictionary[k] for k in sorted(dictionary)]
[38, 20, 42]

Accessing keys afterwards is also the faster option: 之后访问密钥也是更快的选择:

>>> timeit.timeit('[v for k, v in sorted(dictionary.iteritems())]', 'from __main__ import dictionary')
>>> timeit.timeit('[d[key] for key in sorted(d)]', 'from __main__ import dictionary as d')

Yes, that's more than twice as fast to sort a small dictionary a million times. 是的,这对于一百万次的小字典排序速度是两倍多。

There are numerous ways to do that. 有很多方法可以做到这一点。 one way is by using sorted on the dict: 一种方法是使用在dict上sorted

>>> d = {'c': 1, 'b': 2, 'e': 3, 'a': 4}
>>> l = [d[key] for key in sorted(d)]
>>> print(l)
[4, 2, 1, 3]

Yes, for that you can use zip . 是的,为此您可以使用zip Here is an example: 这是一个例子:

y = {'a': 1, 'd':4, 'h':3, 'b': 2}

a = y.keys()
b = y.values()

print [d for (c,d) in sorted(zip(a,b))]
[1, 2, 4, 3]

or simply: 或者干脆:

print [i[1] for i in sorted(y.items())]

You can try it out here: http://repl.it/R8e 你可以在这里试试: http//repl.it/R8e

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