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[英]Real-time interrupts in Python

I have a Python 2.7 program running an infinite while loop and I want to incorporate a timer interrupt. 我有一个运行无限循环的Python 2.7程序,我想要合并一个定时器中断。 What I aim to do is to set off a timer at some point in the loop, and when 5 seconds have elapsed I want the code to branch to a specific part of the while loop. 我的目的是在循环中的某个点设置一个计时器,当经过5秒后,我希望代码分支到while循环的特定部分。

What I have been doing so far is the following: in each iteration of the while loop I am checking how much time has elapsed when I reach that point in the code using 到目前为止我一直在做的是:在while循环的每次迭代中,我正在检查当我使用代码中的那个点时经过了多长时间


and if the difference exceeds 5 I run the chunk of code I mean to run 如果差异超过5,我运行我想要运行的代码块

However that way 7 seconds might pass before I evaluate the time, it will be >5sec but I want to go there exactly when 5 seconds pass 然而,在我评估时间之前,这种方式可能会持续7秒,但是它会超过5秒,但是我希望在5秒钟后完全通过

Also, I need this to work for more than 1 counter (possibly up to a 100) but I do not want the interrupts to interrupt each other. 此外,我需要这个工作超过1个计数器(可能高达100)但我不希望中断相互中断。 Using Timer did not work either. 使用Timer也不起作用。

I know this can be done using timer interrupts in assembly but how can I do that in python? 我知道这可以在程序集中使用定时器中断来完成,但我怎么能在python中做到这一点?

If a single event is to be handled, then the easiest way is to use the signal framework which is a standard module of Python . 如果要处理单个事件,那么最简单的方法是使用signal框架,它是Python标准模块

However, if we need a fully-fledged scheduler, then we have to resort to another module: sched . 但是,如果我们需要一个完全成熟的调度程序,那么我们必须求助于另一个模块: sched Here is a pointer to the official documentation. 是指向官方文档的指针。 Please be aware, though, that in multi-threaded environments sched has limitations with respect to thread-safety . 但请注意,在多线程环境中, sched 在线程安全方面存在局限性

Another option is the Advanced Python Scheduler , which is not part of the standard distribution. 另一个选项是Advanced Python Scheduler ,它不是标准发行版的一部分。

You can't get real-time without special hardware/software support. 没有特殊的硬件/软件支持,您无法实时获得。 You don't need it in most cases ( do you need to control giant robots? ). 在大多数情况下不需要它( 你需要控制巨型机器人吗? )。

How to delay several function calls by known numbers of seconds depends on your needs eg, if a time it takes to run a function is negligible compared to the delay between the calls then you could run all functions in a single thread : 如何以已知的秒数延迟多个函数调用取决于您的需要,例如,如果运行函数所花费的时间与调用之间的延迟相比可以忽略不计,那么您可以在单个线程中运行所有函数

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
from Tkinter import Tk

root = Tk()
root.withdraw() # don't show the GUI window
root.after(1000, print, 'foo') # print foo in a second
root.after(0, print, 'bar') # print bar in a jiffy
root.after(2000, root.destroy) # exit mainloop in 2 seconds

It implements yours "I do not want the interrupts to interrupt each other either" because the next callback is not called until the previous one is complete. 它实现了你的“我不希望中断相互中断”,因为下一个回调在前一个回调完成之前不会被调用。

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