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[英]Printing Items that are in sack in knapsack

Suppose you are a thief and you invaded a house.假设你是一个小偷,你闯入了一所房子。 Inside you found the following items:在里面你找到了以下物品:

A vase that weights 3 pounds and is worth 50 dollars.一个重 3 磅,价值 50 美元的花瓶。
A silver nugget that weights 6 pounds and is worth 30 dollars.一块重 6 磅、价值 30 美元的银块。
A painting that weights 4 pounds and is worth 40 dollars.一幅重 4 磅、价值 40 美元的画作。
A mirror that weights 5 pounds and is worth 10 dollars.一面镜子重 5 磅,价值 10 美元。

Solution to this Knapsack problem of size 10 pounds is 90 dollars .这个 10 磅大小的背包问题的解决方案是 90 美元。

Table made from dynamic programming is :-由动态规划制成的表是:-


Now i want to know which elements i put in my sack using this table then how to back track ??现在我想知道我用这张表把哪些元素放在了我的袋子里,然后如何回溯??

From your DP table we know f[i][w] = the maximum total value of a subset of items 1..i that has total weight less than or equal to w.从您的 DP 表中我们知道 f[i][w] = 总重量小于或等于 w 的项目 1..i 的子集的最大总值。

We can use the table itself to restore the optimal packing:我们可以使用表格本身来恢复最佳包装:

def reconstruct(i, w):  # reconstruct subset of items 1..i with weight <= w
                        # and value f[i][w]
  if i == 0: 
      # base case
      return {}
  if f[i][w] > f[i-1][w]:
      # we have to take item i
      return {i} UNION reconstruct(i-1, w - weight_of_item(i))
      # we don't need item i
      return reconstruct(i-1, w)

Using a loop :使用循环:

   for (int n = N, w = W; n > 0; n--)
                if (sol[n][w] != 0)
                    selected[n] = 1;
                    w = w - wt[n];
                    selected[n] = 0;
            System.out.print("\nItems with weight ");
            for (int i = 1; i < N + 1; i++)
                if (selected[i] == 1)
                    System.out.print(val[i] +" ");

I have an iterative algorithm inspired by @NiklasB.我有一个受@NiklasB 启发的迭代算法。 that works when a recursive algorithm would hit some kind of recursion limit.当递归算法达到某种递归限制时,它会起作用。

def reconstruct(i, w, kp_soln, weight_of_item):
    Reconstruct subset of items i with weights w. The two inputs
    i and w are taken at the point of optimality in the knapsack soln

    In this case I just assume that i is some number from a range
    recon = set()
    # assuming our kp soln converged, we stopped at the ith item, so
    # start here and work our way backwards through all the items in
    # the list of kp solns. If an item was deemed optimal by kp, then
    # put it in our bag, otherwise skip it.
    for j in range(0, i+1)[::-1]:
        cur_val = kp_soln[j][w]
        prev_val = kp_soln[j-1][w]
        if cur_val > prev_val:
            w = w - weight_of_item[j]
    return recon

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