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C ++计时器(以微秒为单位)

[英]C++ timer in microseconds

I am trying to do a timer in microseconds, but it's not quite working. 我正在尝试以微秒为单位做一个计时器,但效果不佳。

#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>

using namespace std;

int main ()
    struct timespec start_time;
    struct timespec end_time;
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &start_time);
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &end_time);
    cout << "START: " << (start_time.tv_nsec/1000) << endl;
    cout << "END: " << (end_time.tv_nsec/1000) << endl;
    cout << "DIFF: " << (end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec) /1000 << endl;

    return 0;

The result look like this: 结果看起来像这样:

START: 3586
END: 3630
DIFF: 43

I need the DIFF be around 5000. Any suggestions? 我需要的DIFF在5000左右。有什么建议吗?

I'm not sure what you're trying to measure, but I guess CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID is the wrong timer, you likely want CLOCK_MONOTONIC if you want to measure some elapsed time. 我不确定您要测量的是什么,但是我想CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID是错误的计时器,如果要测量经过的时间,则可能需要CLOCK_MONOTONIC Have a look at a similar stackoverflow question that shows the difference between the different clocks of clock_gettime . 看一下类似的stackoverflow问题 ,该问题显示clock_gettime的不同时钟之间的差异。

That said, to get the full time you have to add tv_sec and tv_nsec (of course first converting tv_sec to nano seconds) of each measurement and then subtract that total, so something like: 就是说,要获得全部时间,您必须将每个测量的tv_sectv_nsec (当然,首先将tv_sec转换为纳秒),然后减去该总计,所以类似:

uint64_t startNs = start_time.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + start_time.tv_nsec;
uint64_t endNs = end_time.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + end_time.tv_nsec;
uint64_t diffNs = endNs - startNs;
uint64_t diffMicro = diffNs / 1000;

And if you're on C++11, probably best use some high level class from the chrono namespace. 而且,如果您使用的是C ++ 11,则最好使用chrono名称空间中的一些高级类

Two things. 两件事情。

  1. Guess you need CLOCK_REALTIME 猜猜您需要CLOCK_REALTIME
  2. There are two components of timespec - need to take both into account when doing the subtraction timespec有两个组成部分-进行减法时需要将两者都考虑在内

try with clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &start) clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop) 尝试使用clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&start)clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&stop)

You need to use 'tv_sec' part of the timespec structure as well. 您还需要使用timespec结构的“ tv_sec”部分。

Time = ((stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)+ (double)(stop.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1e9)*1000;//im ms 时间=((stop.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)+(double)(stop.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec)/ 1e9)* 1000; // im ms

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