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[英]Getting this output, with generators/list comprehensions?

I'm having a bit of trouble with something, and I don't know how I could do it. 我遇到了一些问题,我不知道怎么做。

Well, I'm creating a dynamic form with buttons that adapts to how many files (in this case, movies) there are in a directory. 好吧,我正在创建一个带有按钮的动态表单,这些按钮可以适应目录中有多少文件(在本例中为电影)。

I have got this so far: 到目前为止我有这个:

path="C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\test\\"  # insert the path to the directory of interest
movies = []

for fname in dirList: # loops through directory specified
    print fname # prints file name
    movies.append(fname) # adds the file name to list

my_form = form.Form([form.Button("btn", id="btn" + movies[i], value = i, html=movies[i], class_="btn" +movies[i]) for i in range(len(movies))]) 

However, I want the list comprehension/generator to make my_form look something like this: 但是,我希望list comprehension / generator使my_form看起来像这样:

my_form = form.Form(
    form.Button("btn", id="btnA", value="A", html="Movie1", class_="btnA")
    form.Button("btn", id="btnB", value="B", html="Movie2", class_="btnB")

As you can see instead of the movie name being the id, it is btnA or btnB . 正如您所看到的,而不是电影名称是id,它是btnAbtnB

So how could I generate that output? 那我怎么能产生那个输出呢?

I think you want to do something like: 我想你想做的事情如下:

from string import ascii_uppercase

buttons = [form.Button("btn", id="btn{0}".format(char), value=char, 
                       html=movie, class_="btn{0}".format(char))
           for char, movie in zip(ascii_uppercase, movies)]

my_form = form.Form(buttons)

This uses the letters in string.ascii_uppercase to label each item in movies . 这使用string.ascii_uppercase的字母标记movies每个项目。

If I understand correctly, you want the id to be btn + a letter according to the index of the movie? 如果我理解正确,你想根据电影的索引将id设为btn +一个字母?

you can use this code: 你可以使用这段代码:

def letterForIndex(idx):
    return chr(ord('A')+idx)

so you would do : 所以你会这样做:

 my_form = form.Form([form.Button("btn", id="btn" + letterForIndex(i),
 value = letterForIndex(i), html=movies[i], class_="btn" +letterForIndex(i)) for i in range(len(movies))])

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