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[英]How to deploy a Pyramid app to DotCloud?

I have a Pyramid webapp with a Postgres database, and I'm using git for version control. 我有一个带有Postgres数据库的Pyramid Webapp,并且我正在使用git进行版本控制。

This is how my files are structured: 这是我的文件的结构:

  |----env/ # virtualenv

This is my dotcloud.yml: 这是我的dotcloud.yml:

  type: python
    python_version: v2.7
  approot: home/home/myapp

  type: postgresql

This is my wsgi.py : 这是我的wsgi.py

from pyramid.paster import get_app, setup_logging
ini.ath = '.../myproject/production.ini'
application = get_app(ini_path, 'main')

This is my (simplified) __init__.py : 这是我的(简化) __init__.py

def main(global_config, **settings):
  engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.')
  config = Configurator(...)
  config.add_static_view('static', 'static', cache_max_age=3600)
  config.add_route('index', '/')
  # other routes...
  return config.make_wsgi_app()

I've read the official documentation and the third-party documentation to get to this point but there must be something I'm not doing right. 到目前为止,我已经阅读了官方文档第三方文档 ,但是肯定有些事情我做得不对。 It's my first time deploying a webapp, and running my app locally still works. 这是我第一次部署Web应用程序,并且仍然可以在本地运行我的应用程序。

In MyProject/ (where the dotcloud.yml file resides) I did dotcloud create mydomainname , dotcloud connect mydomainname and then dotcloud push . 在MyProject dotcloud.yml文件所在的位置)中,我做了dotcloud create mydomainnamedotcloud connect mydomainname ,然后dotcloud push But I'm getting an internal server error. 但是我收到一个内部服务器错误。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Also, the documentation says that if I'm using git, I must state that explicitly when I use dotcloud create or dotcloud connect , but what is the exact command? 此外,文档还指出,如果我使用的是git,则必须在使用dotcloud createdotcloud connect时明确dotcloud connect ,但确切的命令是什么?

EDIT: Before moving to DotCloud, I tried to use DigitalOcean, and had some problems when using pip to install the dependencies in requirements.txt. 编辑:在迁移到DotCloud之前,我尝试使用DigitalOcean,并且在使用pip在Requirements.txt中安装依赖项时遇到了一些问题。 I had to do a git clone separately on the CLI so that I could enter my username and password, and I also had to install psycopg2 manually. 我必须在CLI上单独进行git clone,以便输入用户名和密码,并且还必须手动安装psycopg2。 Could this be one of the problems here too? 这可能也是这里的问题之一吗? If so, how can I fix it? 如果是这样,我该如何解决?

There are several things you should try changing. 您应该尝试更改几件事。 First, do not push your virtualenv directory ( env ). 首先,不要推送您的virtualenv目录( env )。 The dotCloud builder will create another virtualenv based on your requirements.txt . dotCloud构建器将根据您的requirements.txt创建另一个virtualenv。 One way to avoid pushing your env directory would be to move dotcloud.yml to MyProject . 避免推你的env目录的一种方法是移动dotcloud.ymlMyProject You seem to think that is where it is ( "In MyProject/ (where the dotcloud.yml file resides)" ) but that is not what your file tree says. 您似乎认为这就是它所在的位置( “在MyProject /(dotcloud.yml文件所在的位置)” ),但这不是文件树所说的。

Then, do the dotcloud connect or dotcloud create in MyProject , as you stated. 然后,按照您所说的在MyProject进行dotcloud connectdotcloud create

You should remove the approot line from your dotcloud.yml. 您应该从dotcloud.yml中删除approot行。 Allow approot to go to its default, the current directory. 允许approot进入默认目录,即当前目录。

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