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Ember.js - 在if语句中淡出

[英]Ember.js - Fading in an if statement

I want to smoothly fade in an error for a field, and I'm having some issues figuring out the flow for this for Ember.js. 我想顺利淡出一个字段的错误,我有一些问题要弄清楚Ember.js的流程。 At the moment the error span pops in and pops out with no effects. 目前,错误范围弹出并弹出而没有任何效果。 My index template looks like this. 我的索引模板看起来像这样。

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
     <div class="errorbox">
          {{#if error }}
          <span class="error">
               {{ error }}

     <label>What is your name?</label>
     {{input type="text" action="type" value=username }}

and my controller: 和我的控制器:

App.IndexController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
     actions: {
          type: function() {
               if (this.get('username').length > 10) this.set('error', 'Username beyond length!');
               else this.set('error', null);

     /* properties */
     error: false,
     username: false

Is there a simple way to do this? 有一个简单的方法吗?

A simple way to do it is to use CSS animations to do the effects: 一种简单的方法是使用CSS动画来实现效果:

.error {
  -webkit-animation: fadeIn 1s ease;
          animation: fadeIn 1s ease;

@-webkit-keyframes { from { opacity: 0.0 } to { opacity: 1.0 } }    
@keyframes         { from { opacity: 0.0 } to { opacity: 1.0 } }

Example: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/jikexepa/1/edit?css,output 示例: http//emberjs.jsbin.com/jikexepa/1/edit?css,output

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