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Ubuntu中使用Rails 4.1的Rails控制台故障

[英]Rails console glitches in Ubuntu with Rails 4.1

I have a default DigitalOcean VPS running ubuntu + ngnx + unicorn (from the predefined images). 我有一个默认的DigitalOcean VPS,它运行ubuntu + ngnx +独角兽(来自预定义的图像)。 When I connect to the box via ssh everything works fine, until I fire rails c , then when I leave the console, bash starts to perform all types of glitches - half of the commands get missing letters, sometimes it shows the rails console prompt, sometimes the ubuntu one. 当我通过ssh连接到盒子时,一切正常,直到我启动rails c ,然后当我离开控制台时,bash开始执行所有类型的故障-一半的命令缺少字母,有时会显示rails控制台提示符,有时是ubuntu之一。 It's basically unusable. 基本上是不可用的。 Any idea what to poke for this problem? 知道该怎么解决吗?

I am using rails 4.1 in production mode. 我在生产模式下使用Rails 4.1。

Maybe that's not what you would like to ear, but you can try a different shell (maybe ZSH plus OhMyZsh!): 也许这不是您想要的,但是您可以尝试使用其他外壳(也许是ZSH加上OhMyZsh!):

sudo apt-get install zsh  

then 然后

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

Source: 资源:
https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh

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