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[英]PostgreSQL check constraint for foreign key condition

I have a table of users eg: 我有一个用户表,例如:

create table "user" (
    id serial primary key,
    name text not null,
    superuser boolean not null default false

and a table with jobs: 和一张有工作的桌子:

create table job (
    id serial primary key,
    description text

the jobs can be assigned to users, but only for superusers. 可以将作业分配给用户,但只能分配给超级用户。 other users cannot have jobs assigned. 其他用户无法分配作业。

So I have a table whereby I see which job was assigned to which user: 因此,我有一个表格,可以查看将哪个作业分配给了哪个用户:

create table user_has_job (
    user_id integer references "user"(id),
    job_id integer references job(id),
    constraint user_has_job_pk PRIMARY KEY (user_id, job_id)

But I want to create a check constraint that the user_id references a user that has user.superuser = True . 但是我想创建一个检查约束,以使user_id引用具有user.superuser = True的用户。

Is that possible? 那可能吗? Or is there another solution? 还是有其他解决方案?

This would work for INSERTS: 这将适用于INSERTS:

create or replace function is_superuser(int) returns boolean as $$
select exists (
    select 1
    from "user"
    where id   = $1
      and superuser = true
$$ language sql;

And then a check contraint on the user_has_job table: 然后在user_has_job表上检查约束:

create table user_has_job (
    user_id integer references "user"(id),
    job_id integer references job(id),
    constraint user_has_job_pk PRIMARY KEY (user_id, job_id),
    constraint chk_is_superuser check (is_superuser(user_id))

Works for inserts: 适用于插入物:

postgres=# insert into "user" (name,superuser) values ('name1',false);
postgres=# insert into "user" (name,superuser) values ('name2',true);

postgres=# insert into job (description) values ('test');
postgres=# insert into user_has_job (user_id,job_id) values (1,1);
ERROR:  new row for relation "user_has_job" violates check constraint "chk_is_superuser"
DETAIL:  Failing row contains (1, 1).
postgres=# insert into user_has_job (user_id,job_id) values (2,1);

However this is possible: 但是,这是可能的:

postgres=# update "user" set superuser=false;

So if you allow updating users you need to create an update trigger on the users table to prevent that if the user has jobs. 因此,如果允许更新用户,则需要在users表上创建一个更新触发器,以防止该用户有工作。

The only way I can think of is to add a unique constraint on (id, superuser) to the users table and reference that from the user_has_job table by "duplicating" the superuser flag there: 我能想到的唯一方法是在(id, superuser)上向users表添加唯一约束(id, superuser)并通过“复制” superuser标志从user_has_job表中引用该user_has_job

create table users (
    id serial primary key,
    name text not null,
    superuser boolean not null default false

-- as id is already unique there is no harm adding this additional 
-- unique constraint (from a business perspective)
alter table users add constraint uc_users unique (id, superuser);

create table job (
    id serial primary key,
    description text

create table user_has_job (
    user_id integer references users (id),
    -- we need a column in order to be able to reference the unique constraint in users
    -- the check constraint ensures we only reference superuser
    superuser boolean not null default true check (superuser), 
    job_id integer references job(id),
    constraint user_has_job_pk PRIMARY KEY (user_id, job_id),
    foreign key (user_id, superuser) references users (id, superuser)

insert into users 
 (id, name, superuser)
  (1, 'arthur', false),
  (2, 'ford', true);

insert into job 
  (id, description)
  (1, 'foo'),
  (2, 'bar');

Due to the default value, you don't have to specify the superuser column when inserting into the user_has_job table. 由于使用default值,因此在插入到user_has_job表中时不必指定superuser列。 So the following insert works: 因此,以下插入有效:

insert into user_has_job 
  (user_id, job_id)
  (2, 1);

But trying to insert arthur into the table fails: 但是尝试将亚瑟插入表中失败:

insert into user_has_job 
  (user_id, job_id)
  (1, 1);

This also prevents turning ford into a non-superuser. 这也可以防止将福特变成非超级用户。 The following update: 以下更新:

update users 
  set superuser = false 
where id = 2;

fails with the error 失败并显示错误

ERROR: update or delete on table "users" violates foreign key constraint "user_has_job_user_id_fkey1" on table "user_has_job" 错误:表“ users”上的更新或删除违反了表“ user_has_job”上的外键约束“ user_has_job_user_id_fkey1”
Detail: Key (id, superuser)=(2, t) is still referenced from table "user_has_job". 详细信息:仍从表“ user_has_job”中引用键(id,superuser)=(2,t)。

Create a separate superuser table that inherits from the user table: 创建一个从user表继承的单独的superuser user表:

    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name text NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE superuser () INHERITS ("user");

The user_has_job table can then reference the superuser table: 然后, user_has_job表可以引用superuser表:

CREATE TABLE user_has_job (
    user_id integer REFERENCES superuser (id),
    job_id integer REFERENCES job(id),
    PRIMARY KEY (user_id, job_id)

Move users around between the tables as needed by inserting and deleting: 通过插入和删除,根据需要在表之间移动用户:

WITH promoted_user AS (
) INSERT INTO superuser (id, name) SELECT id, name FROM promoted_user;

I don't know if this is a good way to do it but it seems to work 我不知道这是否是一个好方法,但似乎可行

    INSERT INTO user_has_job (user_id, job_id) VALUES (you_user_id, your_job_id)
        SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=your_user_id AND superuser=true

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