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[英]Implements an interface that return a generic type

I saw these:我看到了这些:

I do understand why the compilator complains.我确实理解编译器为什么会抱怨。

Anyway, if we only use the generic as a return value.无论如何,如果我们只使用泛型作为返回值。

public interface Connection 
   <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T getVersion();

Then this implementation only gives a warning (I am using Java 7):然后这个实现只给出一个警告(我使用的是 Java 7):

public class IoConnectionStub implements Connection
   public String getVersion()
      return "1.0";

Is this valid ?这是有效的吗? Or will it cause some problems ?还是会引起一些问题?

Thanks !谢谢 !

For a generic method, the caller can specify the type argument - so I should be able to use:对于泛型方法,调用者可以指定类型参数 - 所以我应该能够使用:

Connection foo = new IoConnectionStub();
Integer x = foo.<Integer>getVersion();

That's clearly not going to work in your case.这显然不适用于您的情况。

It sounds like if you really need this (which I think is slightly odd for a version property...) you would want to make the interface generic - that way IoConnectionStub could implement Connection<String> for example, and you'd end up with code of:听起来如果你真的需要这个(我认为这对于版本属性来说有点奇怪......)你会想要使接口通用 - 例如,这样IoConnectionStub可以实现Connection<String> ,你最终会代码如下:

Connection<String> foo = new IoConnectionStub();
String version = foo.getVersion();

You couldn't ask for an Integer version number, because IoConnectionStub wouldn't implement Connection<Integer> .您不能要求Integer版本号,因为IoConnectionStub不会实现Connection<Integer>

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