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[英]wpf binding not updating

Using MVVM, I have a View that contains a DependencyProperty, and a ListBox that is bound to the ViewModel: 使用MVVM,我有一个包含DependencyProperty的视图和一个绑定到ViewModel的列表框:

public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedServerProperty =
    typeof(ServerView), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(test));

public object SelectedServer
    get { return GetValue(SelectedServerProperty); }
    set { SetValue(SelectedServerProperty, value); }

public ServerView()
    SetBinding(SelectedServerProperty, "SelectedServer");

public static void test(DependancyObject sender, DependancyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)


<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Servers}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedServer}" />

and a ViewModel that implements INotifyPropertyChanged: 和一个实现INotifyPropertyChanged的ViewModel:

ServerModel _selectedServer;
public ServerModel SelectedServer
    get { return _selectedServer; }
        _selectedServer = value;

When i select an item in the list, the ViewModel is updated, but the DependencyProperty in the View stays the same. 当我在列表中选择一个项目时,ViewModel会更新,但是View中的DependencyProperty保持不变。 even the test event i created is not triggered. 即使我创建的测试事件也不会触发。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

I think the SetBinding is trying to bind to a Property defined in the View and not VM. 我认为SetBinding试图绑定到View中定义的Property ,而不是VM。 So try using the syntax 因此,请尝试使用语法

SetBinding(SelectedServerProperty, new Binding("SelectedServer"));

This would try to bind to the SelectedServer property in the VM ( DataContext of the View). 这将尝试绑定到VM(视图的DataContext )中的SelectedServer属性。 Here is the link from MSDN which would help you. 是来自MSDN的链接,它将为您提供帮助。

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