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[英]Accessing member variables through static pointer to instance

I have a class with a static vector of pointers to all instances of the class. 我有一个带有指向该类所有实例的指针的静态向量的类。 When I access the member variables through a static getter method, I sometimes get wrong results. 当我通过静态的getter方法访问成员变量时,有时会得到错误的结果。

Code: 码:
hpp-file: HPP文件:

class ObjectID {
        float getShininess() const { return m_shininess; }
        static const std::shared_ptr<ObjectID> getID(unsigned long);
        float m_shininess;
        static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ObjectID>> s_ids;

cpp-file: CPP文件:

static std::mutex s_mutex;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ObjectID>> ObjectID::s_ids = {};

const std::shared_ptr<ObjectID> ObjectID::getID(unsigned long id) {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(s_mutex);
    std::shared_ptr<ObjectID> ptr = s_ids.at(id - 1);
    return ptr;

  : m_shininess(50.f)
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(s_mutex);

I have a suspicion that it has something to do with the fact that I use two threads. 我怀疑这与我使用两个线程有​​关。 However adding the mutex did not change anything. 但是,添加互斥锁不会更改任何内容。

For clarification, one thread creates ObjectIDs and another thread calls 为了澄清起见,一个线程创建ObjectID,另一线程调用


I don't always get 50, sometimes I get 1, and I am never changing m_shininess. 我并不总是得到50,有时我得到1,并且我从不改变m_shininess。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

EDIT : 编辑

ObjectIDs are created in another class, which has a vector of ObjectIDs. ObjectID在另一个类中创建,该类具有ObjectID的向量。


Your vector holds shared_ptr, but you are emplacing raw pointers to ObjectID (this) into it. 您的向量包含shared_ptr,但是您将其中包含指向ObjectID(此)的原始指针。 Since shared_ptrs can be constructed from raw ones this compiles, but it probably isn't doing what you want it to. 由于shared_ptrs可以从原始代码构造而来,因此可以进行编译,但是它可能并没有按照您想要的去做。 In particular, you will wind up with wild pointers in that vector if an ObjectID gets destroyed though other means. 特别是,如果通过其他方法破坏了ObjectID,则在该向量中最终将使用野生指针。 I don't know for sure that this is the cause of your problem, but it is at least suspicious. 我不确定这是造成您问题的原因,但至少是可疑的。

I don't know your exact requirements, but maybe something like this would help? 我不知道您的确切要求,但是也许这样会有所帮助?

class ObjectID
   static std::shared_ptr<ObjectID> Create()
       auto created = std::make_shared<ObjectID>();
       return created;

      // as before

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