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Visual Studio SSDT架构比较-MRU连接列表中的项目数量有限?

[英]Visual Studio SSDT Schema Compare - limited number of items in the MRU connection list?

When using Schema compare -> Select target -> Choose database it seems like the list of recently used database connections is limited to show five entries. 使用模式比较 -> 选择目标 -> 选择数据库时,最近使用的数据库连接列表似乎仅限于显示五个条目。 When adding 'New connection' an (apparently) random entry from the list is replaced with the new entry. 添加“新连接”时,列表中的(显然)随机条目将被新条目替换。

Can this limit be changed, so we can have eg 10 databases in the list? 可以更改此限制,因此列表中可以有10个数据库?

This would be helpful, as we work with solutions with two database projects, and five different target environments, and each time we do a schema compare on a database, moving up the 'environment ladder' some entries are removed, forcing us to re-enter connection strings on a daily basis. 这将是有帮助的,因为我们使用的解决方案有两个数据库项目和五个不同的目标环境,并且每次在数据库上进行模式比较时,在“环境阶梯”上移动时,都会删除一些条目,从而迫使我们重新进行每天输入连接字符串。

I checked and it's hard-coded to 5 right now. 我检查了一下,现在将其硬编码为5。 There's no way around this, but I'll look into fixing it in a future release since this does seem too low. 没有办法解决这个问题,但是我会考虑在将来的版本中对其进行修复,因为这似乎太低了。

After updating SSDT to newer version amount of possible stored connections increased. 将SSDT更新到新版本后,可能存储的连接数量增加。 Press to download 按下载

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