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Cloud9上新安装的laravel 4,在查看/ public文件夹时显示空白页

[英]New laravel 4 installation on Cloud9, showing blank page when viewing /public folder

I've installed Laravel 4 on Cloud9 (www.c9.io) and I can access a view directly like so: 我已经在Cloud9(www.c9.io)上安装了Laravel 4,并且可以像这样直接访问视图:

https://laravel-test-c9-anthonyhull.c9.io/tasks/app/views/hello.php (which displays a "you've arrived" message) https://laravel-test-c9-anthonyhull.c9.io/tasks/app/views/hello.php (显示“您已经到达”消息)

However, if I try to view: 但是,如果我尝试查看:

https://laravel-test-c9-anthonyhull.c9.io/tasks/public https://laravel-test-c9-anthonyhull.c9.io/tasks/public

I just see a blank page. 我只看到一个空白页。

I have ensured the following: 我确保以下几点:

  • MCrypt is installed MCrypt已安装
  • app/storage permissions have been given write access 应用/存储权限已被授予写访问权限
  • I've tried running php artisan serve 我试过运行php artisan serve

Not sure what else to try. 不知道还有什么尝试。

Ideally what I'm after is to get: 理想情况下,我追求的是:

to automatically show the default page of my "tasks" app. 自动显示“任务”应用的默认页面。

看起来我只需要直接访问laravel-test-c9-anthonyhull.c9.io/tasks/public即可,而无需使用内置的Cloud9 IDE浏览器。

I think the issue is your web server assumingly apache and it's mod_rewrite module which must be installer and enabled. 我认为问题是假设您的Web服务器是apache,它是必须安装并启用的mod_rewrite模块。 If you do this now, remember to reboot your server, then you also need to change the conf files of apache to allowoverrides and reboot. 如果现在执行此操作,请记住要重新引导服务器,然后还需要将apache的conf文件更改为allowoverrides并重新引导。

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