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在C ++中使用Rcpp标头

[英]Using Rcpp headers in C++

I'm an R programmer trying to learn C++ because I've seen the vast improvements you can make to code using C++ code within R. I'm trying to play around with the Rcpp library, and I've gotten examples to work in R. However, I'd like to write some C++ code in my C++ editor and use some of the classes from Rcpp (just to get a better understanding of how to use the package). 我是一位R程序员,试图学习C ++,因为我已经看到您可以在R中使用C ++代码进行代码的巨大改进。我正在尝试使用Rcpp库,并且已经有了一些可以使用的示例。 R。但是,我想在C ++编辑器中编写一些C ++代码,并使用Rcpp中的一些类(只是为了更好地了解如何使用该程序包)。 I tried to compile the following code in my C++ editor (CodeBlocks): 我尝试在C ++编辑器(CodeBlocks)中编译以下代码:

include </path_to_R/R/win-library/2.15/Rcpp/include/Rcpp.h>

but then it fails because it can't find from the first few lines of : 但随后失败,因为它无法从以下的前几行中找到:

#ifndef Rcpp_hpp
#define Rcpp_hpp

/* it is important that this comes first */
#include <RcppCommon.h>

Is there a better way to include all the Rcpp code? 有没有更好的方法来包含所有Rcpp代码? Do I need to go through the Rcpp.h file and replace all the file names with their paths? 我是否需要浏览Rcpp.h文件并将所有文件名替换为其路径?

I realize this is a newby question, and I'm sorry... I'm sure the answers out in the documentation somewhere, but I don't know how to even look for it. 我意识到这是一个新问题,很抱歉...我确定文档中某个地方的答案,但我什至不知道该如何寻找。 Thanks for the help! 谢谢您的帮助!

You could, and maybe should, look at the Rinside package which embeds R into C++ -- so C++ is the main() here and the Makefile snippets will give you an idea. 您可以(也许应该)查看将R嵌入到C ++中的Rinside软件包-因此,C ++是此处的main() ,Makefile代码段将为您提供一个想法。

People have used Rinside with different IDEs and there are contributed files for use with Eclipse etc pp. Try those, and if you need more help then try the rcpp-devel list as the author of those contributed files may not read posts here. 人们在不同的IDE上使用了Rinside,并且有供Eclipse等pp使用的贡献文件。尝试使用那些,如果需要更多帮助,请尝试rcpp-devel列表,因为这些贡献文件的作者可能不会在此处阅读文章。

Although, of course, Code::Blocks is not eclipse, you might find this guide informative at to what it takes to get an IDE to play nicely with R and Rcpp. 当然,虽然Code :: Blocks并不是日食,但您可能会发现本指南提供了有关使IDE与R和Rcpp完美配合所需要的信息。

If you are able and willing, it would be useful if you documented similar steps as to how you got Code::Blocks to work alongside R / Rcpp. 如果您有能力并且愿意的话,如果您记录了如何使Code :: Blocks与R / Rcpp一起工作的类似步骤,将很有用。

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