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通过Python打印日历。 代码不起作用= /

[英]Printing a calendar via Python. Code is not working =/

I am making a small program in Python (PyGTK) that prints out a calendar (Gregorian) for a year the user inputs. 我正在用Python开发一个小程序(PyGTK),可以打印出用户输入的日历(格里高利语)。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import pygtk, gtk, subprocess

class Base:
    def printing(self, widget):
        text = self.textbox.get_text()
        printingit = "cal -y %s | lpr" % (text)
        process = subprocess.Popen(printingit.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        output = process.communicate()[0]   

    def __init__(self):
            self.win = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
            self.win.set_size_request(350, 200)
        self.win.connect('destroy',lambda w: gtk.main_quit())

        self.textbox = gtk.Entry()
        self.textbox.set_size_request(70, 30)

        self.lable = gtk.Label("Year:")

        self.button = gtk.Button("Print")
        self.button.set_size_request(60, 45)
        self.button.connect("clicked", self.printing)

        box = gtk.Fixed()
        box.put(self.lable, 160, 25)
        box.put(self.textbox, 140, 40)
        box.put(self.button, 145, 100)


    def main(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    base = Base()

It's not working when actually printing the command cal -y %s | lpr % (text) 实际打印命令cal -y %s | lpr % (text)时不起作用cal -y %s | lpr % (text) cal -y %s | lpr % (text) . cal -y %s | lpr % (text) I have made it so it replaces the textbox's text with the final command it should get and it changes to what I want it to be cal -y 2015 | lpr 我已经做到了,所以它将文本框的文本替换为应该获得的最终命令,并且将其更改为我希望的值cal -y 2015 | lpr cal -y 2015 | lpr . cal -y 2015 | lpr I tried just putting that into terminal and it worked as usual, it's confusing me a lot! 我只是尝试将其放入终端机,并且像往常一样工作,这让我很困惑!

I ran the program in terminal and this is the message I recieve when it tries to print: 我在终端中运行了程序,这是我尝试打印时收到的消息:

Usage: cal [general options] [-hjy] [[month] year]
   cal [general options] [-hj] [-m month] [year]
   ncal [general options] [-bhJjpwySM] [-s country_code] [[month] year]
   ncal [general options] [-bhJeoSM] [year]
General options: [-NC3] [-A months] [-B months]
For debug the highlighting: [-H yyyy-mm-dd] [-d yyyy-mm]

If anyone understands why this is happening I would be extremely grateful! 如果有人知道为什么会这样,我将非常感谢! Thank you in advance =D 预先谢谢你= D

  • Harry 掠夺

If you want to use shell syntax (pipe) in your command, you need to pass the command as as string to the Popen constructor, not as list. 如果要在命令中使用shell语法(管道),则需要将命令作为字符串传递给Popen构造函数,而不是作为列表传递。 And you must use shell=True : 而且您必须使用shell=True

output = subprocess.check_output(printingit, shell=True)

Without that, the executed command would be the same as: 否则,执行的命令将与以下命令相同:

cal '-y' 'text' '|' 'lpr'

But as you're getting part of the input from a text field, you shouldn't directly pass it tho a shell. 但是,当您从文本字段获取输入的一部分时,您不应直接将其传递给shell。

Alternatively, you can create the pipe yourself: 或者,您可以自己创建管道:

lpr = subprocess.Popen('lpr', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
process = subprocess.Popen(['cal', '-y', text], stdout=lpr.stdin)
output = lpr.communicate()

By the way, instead of using subprocess to invoke cal you could use the calendar module. 顺便说一句,您可以使用calendar模块来代替使用子流程来调用cal cal -y 2012 does the same as calendar.calendar(2014) , so you could replace your code with: cal -y 2012功能与calendar.calendar(2014)相同,因此您可以将代码替换为:

cal = calendar.calendar(int(text))
process = subprocess.Popen(['lpr'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = process.communicate(cal)   # cal.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding(False)) for python3

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