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[英]How to change a class name of dynamic contents using jquery

In my php file I have this code section to get all jpg files form a folder and put them in to img tags. 在我的php文件中,我有此代码部分,可将所有jpg文件从一个文件夹中获取并将其放入img标签中。

if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
       if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && strtolower(substr($file, strrpos($file, '.') + 1)) == 'jpg') {
           echo '<div class="image_slider"><img src ="' . $dir . $file . '"/></div>';

and then I want to change displaying image by clicking on a links call previous and next. 然后我想通过单击上一个和下一个链接来更改显示图像。

To do so I'm using jQuery this way.. 为此,我以这种方式使用jQuery。

To show first image without clicking any thing 不显示任何东西即可显示第一个图像

 $( ".image_slider img" ).first().addClass( "active" );

and then for the other images to load user must clik prvs or next links. 然后要加载其他图像,用户必须单击prvs或下一个链接。

function next_img(){
        $( ".image_slider img" ).closest().next( "active" );

but this function is not working. 但是此功能不起作用。 It doesn't change the class "active" from first one to second one. 它不会将“活动”类从第一个更改为第二个。

I feel I'm missing something. 我觉得我缺少什么。 but couldn't find it. 但找不到。

Thank you 谢谢

You need to find the current active image: 您需要找到当前的活动图像:

var $current = $('.image_slider .active');

(The $ in $current doesnt do anything, it just shows other developers that $current is or should be a jQuery object) $current中的$current不会做任何事情,它只是向其他开发人员显示$current是或应该是jQuery对象)

Remove its active class 删除其活动班级


Then take the current images parent and go up ( prev ) or down ( next ) the DOM to fetch the next .image-slider element. 然后将当前图像作为父图像,并向上( prev )或向下( next )DOM以获取下一个.image-slider元素。

$next = $current.parent().next();
// OR
$next = $current.parent().prev();

And if $next exists (the active one could have been the last image), give it the active class: 如果$ next存在(活动的可能是最后一张图像),则为它提供活动的类:

if ($next.length) {
    $next.find('> img').addClass('active');

These are the basics, feel free to improve the logic to gain your users experience 这些都是基础知识,请随时改进逻辑以获取用户体验



You don't need to call closest(). 您不需要调用closest()。 See my fiddle for a quick sketch of what you are trying to do. 请参阅我的小提琴 ,以快速了解您要做什么。

var el = $("img.active");

i want to enhance your code to follow 我想增强您的代码遵循


if ($handle) {
    $s='<div class="image_slider">';

    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && strtolower(substr($file, strrpos($file, '.') + 1)) == 'jpg') {

            if (!$first) {$cls='active'; $first=true;}

            $s.='<img class="'.$cls.'" src ="' . $dir . $file . '"/>';


else {
    echo 'Error in reading image folder-or the dir doesnt exist!';

and about slider: you can use the the active to get the current active and then use .next() to get the next element. 和关于滑块:您可以使用active来获取当前active,然后使用.next()来获取下一个元素。

i wrote a jsfiddle for you, hope you find it useful a sample jsfiddle about using .next() 我为您编写了一个jsfiddle,希望对使用.next()的示例jsfiddle有用。

the function i wrote is : 我写的功能是:

function activeNext(){
    var act=$('div.active');
    var img=$('.img_slider');
    if (act.is(img.last())) return false;


function activePrev(){
    var act=$('div.active');
    var img=$('.img_slider');
    if (act.is(img.first())) return false;


just a brief explanation: 只是一个简短的解释:

1- get the current active and save it in act 1-获得当前活动并将其保存在act

2- get all the image and store in img 2-获取所有图像并将其存储在img

3- if current active one is first or last one then do nothing 3-如果当前活动的是第一个或最后一个,则什么也不做

4- remove current active one. 4-删除当前活动的一个。 find prev/next item and make it active 找到上一个/下一个项目并将其激活

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