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AngularJS使用$ http.get请求以特定顺序传递参数数据

[英]AngularJS passing params data in a specific order using $http.get request

I'm using AngularJS in a simple prototype app that uses Domino server on the back end. 我在一个简单的原型应用程序中使用AngularJS ,该应用程序在后端使用Domino服务器。

When I do a seemingly simple call like this: 当我打这样一个看似简单的电话时:

$http({ url: $scope.hrEventsPath, 
        method : "GET", 
        params : { 'readform' : '',
                   'eventid' : $scope.queryStringPairs.eventid,
                   'userid' : $scope.queryStringPairs.userid,
                   'login' : $scope.queryStringPairs.login } }).
            success(function(data, status) {
                // happy stuff
            error(function(data, status) {
                // error handling stuff

It seems that Angular puts all the params in alphabetical order when the call is made. 调用时,Angular似乎将所有参数按字母顺序排列。

Therefore, the readform parameter is not the first parameter, eventid is, and the Domino server chokes. 因此, readform参数不是第一个参数, eventid是,并且Domino服务器阻塞了。 (This happens whether or not ' readform ' has a value) (无论' readform '是否具有值, readform发生这种情况)

Regardless of Domino and its configuration, is there a way to for a sort the order in Angularm or should one use another approach? 无论Domino及其配置如何,是否都可以在Angularm中对订单进行排序,还是应该使用另一种方法?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。


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