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如何从脚本/模块 __main__ 启动 Celery Worker?

[英]How to start a Celery worker from a script/module __main__?

I've define a Celery app in a module, and now I want to start the worker from the same module in its __main__ , ie by running the module with python -m instead of celery from the command line.我已经在一个模块中定义了一个Celery应用程序,现在我想从__main__的同一个模块启动工作程序,即通过从命令行使用python -m而不是celery运行模块。 I tried this:我试过这个:

app = Celery('project', include=['project.tasks'])

# do all kind of project-specific configuration
# that should occur whenever this module is imported

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # log stuff about the configuration
    app.start(['worker', '-A', 'project.tasks'])

but now Celery thinks I'm running the worker without arguments:但现在 Celery 认为我在不加参数地运行工人:

Usage: worker <command> [options] 

Show help screen and exit.

  -A APP, --app=APP     app instance to use (e.g. module.attr_name)

The usage message is the one you get from celery --help , as if it didn't get a command.使用消息是您从celery --help获得的消息,就好像它没有收到命令一样。 I've also tried我也试过

app.worker_main(['-A', 'project.tasks'])

but that complains about the -A not being recognized.但这抱怨-A未被识别。

So how do I do this?那么我该怎么做呢? Or alternatively, how do I pass a callback to the worker to have it log information about its configuration?或者,我如何将回调传递给工作人员以使其记录有关其配置的信息?

using app.worker_main method (v3.1.12):使用 app.worker_main 方法(v3.1.12):

± cat start_celery.py

from myapp import app

if __name__ == "__main__":
    argv = [

Based on code from Django-Celery module you could try something like this:基于来自 Django-Celery 模块的代码,你可以尝试这样的事情:

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

from celery import current_app
from celery.bin import worker

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = current_app._get_current_object()

    worker = worker.worker(app=app)

    options = {
        'broker': 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//',
        'loglevel': 'INFO',
        'traceback': True,


Since Celery 5 things have been changed自从Celery改变了5件事

The worker_main results now: worker_main现在的结果:

AttributeError: 'Celery' object has no attribute 'worker_main'

For Celery 5 do following:对于 Celery 5,请执行以下操作:

app = celery.Celery(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    worker = app.Worker(

See here celery.apps.worker and celery.worker.WorkController.setup_defaults for details (hope it will be documented better in the future).有关详细信息,请参阅此处celery.apps.workercelery.worker.WorkController.setup_defaults (希望将来能更好地记录)。

worker_main was put back in celery 5.0.3 here: https://github.com/celery/celery/pull/6481 worker_main被放回 celery 5.0.3 中: https : //github.com/celery/celery/pull/6481

This worked for me on 5.0.4:这在 5.0.4 上对我有用:

self.app.worker_main(argv = ['worker', '--loglevel=info', '--concurrency={}'.format(os.environ['CELERY_CONCURRENCY']), '--without-gossip'])

I think you are just missing wrapping the args so celery can read them, like:我认为您只是缺少包装 args 以便 celery 可以读取它们,例如:

queue = Celery('blah', include=['blah'])
queue.start(argv=['celery', 'worker', '-l', 'info'])

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