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[英]How to interact with an added id after dom loaded

I have a page that will either have a selectbox or a link depending on data from the server side. 我有一个页面,它将具有选择框或链接,具体取决于服务器端的数据。 If the select box is available then I can get the id (in this case town_id) However if there is no select box then I will create one but I set the selects id and name using the value from input classed otf_form_field_id 如果选择框可用,那么我可以获取id(在本例中为town_id)但是如果没有选择框,那么我将创建一个,但我使用输入分类otf_form_field_id中的值设置选择ID和名称

<div class="otf_form_field">
    <input type="hidden" class="otf_form_field_name" value="town">
    <input type="hidden" class="otf_form_field_id" value="town_id">

    <!-- select will be hidden with templating -->
    <!-- <select class="form-control chosen" name="town_id" id="town_id" data-rule-required="true" data-placeholder="Choose a town">
        <option value=""></option>

        <option value="1">1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>

        {foreach $towns as $town}
        <option value="{$town.id}" {if $town.id eq $form_data.town_id}selected="selected"{/if}>{$town.town_name}{if $town.region_name}, {$town.region_name}{/if}</option>

        <option value="ADD_NEW">Add new town...</option>
    </select> -->

    <p class="mt5">You have no towns configured.</p>
    <p class="mt5"><a href="#modal-1" role="button" class="showhouse-text" data-toggle="modal">Add new town</a></p>


The code below in the if($('#' + select_id).length === 0){ line checks if there is a select box. if($('#' + select_id).length === 0){ line下面的代码检查是否有选择框。 If there is none I need to create one. 如果没有,我需要创建一个。 I can create it ok but when I go to select add new from the drop down the modal does not display. 我可以创建它,但是当我从下拉菜单中选择添加新时,模式不会显示。 I change the select_id to (in this case) town_id with town_id = make_select_id and I thought using the .on event would catch items added after the dom is loaded $('.otf_form_field').on('change', '#'+select_id, function(){ 我使用town_id = make_select_id将select_id更改为(在本例中)town_id,我认为使用.on事件会捕获dom加载后添加的项目$('.otf_form_field').on('change', '#'+select_id, function(){

It will display alright if there is a select box populated with options and i have the add new option. 如果有一个填充了选项的选择框并且我有添加新选项,它将显示正常。

// get the field name, will be set in hidden input
var otf_form_field_name = $('.otf_form_field_name').val();

// get the id of the select box
var select_id = $('.otf_form_field select').prop('id');

// if there is no select box get value to assign it later
if(select_id === undefined){
  var make_select_id = $('.otf_form_field_id').val();

// set the option text to show on the chosen search box if there 
// are no results being returned
$("#" + select_id).chosen({no_results_text: '<a href="#modal-1" role="button" class="showhouse-text" data-toggle="modal">Add new ' + otf_form_field_name + '...</a> - No results match', disable_search_threshold: 15});

// hide the modal notificaiton and checking gif
$('#saving_otf_gif, .modal_notification').hide();

// when the chosen (which will use on the fly) is changed
$('.otf_form_field').on('change', '#'+select_id, function(){

   // check if the value is equal to 'ADD_NEW'
  if($(this).val() == "ADD_NEW"){

    // show the modal



// when the save button on the modal is clicked

  // if the form is valid

    // e.preventDefault() stops the server side redirecting

    // hide the save button so cannot multiple click
    // show the buffer gif

    // check to see if there was an id, if there there were no items available 
    // then there would be no select box and we need none
    if($('#' + select_id).length === 0){

      // build the select box with item_id and item_name
      $('.otf_form_field').html('<select class="form-control chosen" name="' + make_select_id + '" id="' + make_select_id + '" data-rule-required="true" data-placeholder="Choose ' + otf_form_field_name + '..."></select');

      // make it chosen with css hack 
      $("#" + make_select_id).chosen({disable_search_threshold: 15});
      $("#" + make_select_id).css('width', '100%');

      // append new option into select box
      $('#' + make_select_id).append('<option value="TEST" selected>TEST</option>');

      // move the ADD_NEW option to bottom of list and update all
      $('#' + make_select_id).append('<option value="ADD_NEW">Add new ' + otf_form_field_name + '...</option>');
      $('#' + make_select_id).trigger('chosen:updated');

      select_id = $('.otf_form_field select').prop('id');

    } else {

      // just append option, no need to create select


    // hide the modal and reset button incase user



When the DOM loads and the select isn't present, your code attaches the onchange event but there are no select elements that it can attach it to. 当DOM加载并且select不存在时,您的代码会附加onchange事件,但是没有可以将它附加到的select元素。

Once you create the select and add it to the DOM, reattach the onchange event to the selects again. 创建select并将其添加到DOM后,再次将onchange事件重新附加到选择。

$('.otf_form_field').html('<select class="form-control chosen" name="' + make_select_id + '" id="' + make_select_id + '" data-rule-required="true" data-placeholder="Choose ' + otf_form_field_name + '..."></select');

$('.otf_form_field').on('change', '#'+select_id, function(){

   // check if the value is equal to 'ADD_NEW'
  if($(this).val() == "ADD_NEW"){

    // show the modal    

I would put this in a function though and call it since you're calling it on load and when you add the select to the DOM manually: 我会把它放在一个函数中并调用它,因为你在加载时调用它并且当你手动将select添加到DOM时:

function addOnChangeHandler(){
   $('.otf_form_field').on('change', '#'+select_id, function(){        
       // check if the value is equal to 'ADD_NEW'
      if($(this).val() == "ADD_NEW"){        
        // show the modal        

And then 接着

$('.otf_form_field').html('<select class="form-control chosen" name="' + make_select_id + '" id="' + make_select_id + '" data-rule-required="true" data-placeholder="Choose ' + otf_form_field_name + '..."></select');


And just call the same function on page load. 只需在页面加载时调用相同的函数。

(this is an fyi more than an answer) (这不仅仅是一个答案)

one of the really great features of jQuery's on , is that is listens for new elements which match the selector you pass it. 的jQuery的的真正伟大的特征之一on ,是监听传递给它的匹配选择哪些新的元素。 This doesn't help much when you have to wait until you know the id of an element, but if you know these new <select> 's will have a particular class, you could rewrite as $('.otf_form_field').on('change', '.select-classname', function(){ ... }); 当你必须等到你知道一个元素的id时,这没有多大帮助,但如果你知道这些新的<select>将有一个特定的类,你可以重写为$('.otf_form_field').on('change', '.select-classname', function(){ ... }); and never worry about timing. 从不担心时间问题。

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