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[英]Credit card validation with not working in Wordpress

I am using jQuery Credit Card Validation Plugin: Smart Validate to validate credit cards. 我正在使用jQuery信用卡验证插件: 智能验证来验证信用卡。

It is working fine, when downloaded it and implemented in my localhost. 下载并在我的本地主机中实现后,它工作正常。

But when I tried to implement the same in wordpress it is not working and when I checked the console I am getting: 但是,当我尝试在wordpress中实现相同功能时,它不起作用,并且当我检查控制台时,我得到:

TypeError: jQuery(...).ccvalidate is not a function
jQuery('.cc-container').ccvalidate({ onvalidate: function(isValid) {

Why its not working with wordpress? 为什么它不能与wordpress一起使用? How can I resolve the issue? 我该如何解决该问题?

In the fiddle you can see the normal working and there it is working fine. 在小提琴中,您可以看到正常的工作,并且工作正常。

Fiddle 小提琴

Wordpress has jquery has jQuery.noConflict(); Wordpress有jquery有jQuery.noConflict(); enabled, this means that the use of the $() shorthand doesn't work by default. 启用,这意味着默认情况下, $()速记的使用不起作用。 You could try wrapping the entire code in ()(jQuery); 您可以尝试将整个代码包装在()(jQuery); (or just change all the $() 's to jQuery() ). (或只是将所有$()更改为jQuery() )。 See Wordpress codex for more information. 有关更多信息,请参见Wordpress Codex

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