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[英]Powershell: Combine single arrays into columns

Given: 鉴于:

$column1 = @(1,2,3)
$column2 = @(4,5,6)

How can I combine them into an object $matrix which gets displayed as a matrix with the single arrays as columns: 我如何将它们组合到一个对象$ matrix中,该对象将显示为矩阵,而单个数组作为列:

column1 column2
------- -------
   1       4
   2       5
   3       6

It seems that all of my solutions today requires calculated properties. 看来我今天所有的解决方案都需要计算出的属性。 Try: 尝试:

$column1 = @(1,2,3)
$column2 = @(4,5,6)

0..($column1.Length-1) | Select-Object @{n="Id";e={$_}}, @{n="Column1";e={$column1[$_]}}, @{n="Column2";e={$column2[$_]}}

Id Column1 Column2
-- ------- -------
 0       1       4
 1       2       5
 2       3       6

If the lengths of the arrays are not equal, you could use: 如果数组的长度不相等,则可以使用:

$column1 = @(1,2,3)
$column2 = @(4,5,6,1)

$max = ($column1, $column2 | Measure-Object -Maximum -Property Count).Maximum    

0..$max | Select-Object @{n="Column1";e={$column1[$_]}}, @{n="Column2";e={$column2[$_]}}

I wasn't sure if you needed the Id , so I included it in the first sample to show how to include it. 我不确定您是否需要Id ,因此我将其包含在第一个示例中以说明如何包含它。

Little better, maybe: 好一点,也许:

$column1 = @(1,2,3)
$column2 = @(4,5,6,7)

($column1,$column2 | sort length)[1] |
foreach {
  new-object psobject -property @{
                                    loess = $Column1[$i]
                                    lowess = $column2[$i++]
  } | ft -auto

loess lowess
----- ------
    1      4
    2      5
    3      6

I came up with this.. but it seems too verbose. 我想出了这个..但是似乎太冗长了。 Anything shorter? 还有什么短的吗?

    for ($i=0; $i -lt $y.Length; $i++) {
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            y = $y[$i]
            loess = $smooth_loess[$i]
            lowess = $smooth_lowess[$i]
} | Format-Table -AutoSize

Here is a combination of mjolinor and Frode F. solutions. 这是mjolinorFrode F.解决方案的组合。 I ran into some problems using Frode's object construction trick using select-object. 我在使用Frode的使用选择对象的对象构造技巧时遇到了一些问题。 For some reason it would output hash values likely representing object references. 由于某种原因,它将输出可能代表对象引用的哈希值。 I only code in PowerShell a few times a year, so I am just providing this in case anyone else finds it useful (perhaps even my future self). 我一年只在PowerShell中编写几次代码,所以我只是提供此功能,以防其他人发现它有用(也许甚至是我未来的自己)。

$column1 = @(1,2,3)
$column2 = @(4,5,6,7)
$column3 = @(2,5,5,2,1,3);

$max = (
    $column3 |
        Measure-Object -Maximum -Property Count).Maximum;


0..$max |
foreach {
  new-object psobject -property @{
                                    col1 = $Column1[$i]
                                    col3 = $column3[$i]
                                    col2 = $column2[$i++]
  } | ft -auto

Here's something I created today. 这是我今天创建的东西。 It takes a range of 0 to one of the column lengths, then maps it to a list of hashes. 它的取值范围为0到列长度之一,然后将其映射到哈希列表。 Use the select to turn it into a proper table. 使用选择将其转换为适当的表。

$table = 0..$ColA.Length | % { @{
    ColA = $ColA[$_]
    ColB = $ColB[$_]
}} | Select ColA, ColB

Using the following variables: 使用以下变量:

$ColA = @(1, 2, 3)
$ColB = @(4, 5, 6)

Results in 结果是

ColB ColA
---- ----
   1    4
   2    5
   3    6

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