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[英]Native (iOS or Android) Facebook login using popup dialog only?

I have iOS and Android apps built and working with the FB SDK, but I've only ever seen two Login Dialog styles: * Switch to the installed Facebook App for auth, and * Embedded WebView/Safari online auth. 我已经构建了iOS和Android应用程序并与FB SDK一起使用,但是我只见过两种登录对话框样式:*切换到已安装的Facebook App进行身份验证,以及*嵌入式WebView / Safari在线身份验证。

Lots of other apps seem to achieve this using a simple, native popup dialog, and Facebook seem to indicate that this is still possible, as in the following image from https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow/v2.0 许多其他应用似乎都使用一个简单的本机弹出对话框来实现此目的,而Facebook似乎表明这仍然可行,如以下https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually中的图片所示-build-A-登录流/ V2.0

Anyone know how to force or indicate a preference for the popup? 有人知道如何强制或指示对弹出窗口的偏好吗? A 48 hour search of the Net has no turned anything up that seems even vaguely current. 对互联网进行48小时的搜索并没有发现似乎模糊的最新信息。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Image at: https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/l/t39.2178-6/851582_133467196842050_800025839_n.png (not enough rep points to post inline!) 图片位于: https : //scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/l/t39.2178-6/851582_133467196842050_800025839_n.png (没有足够的代表点可以发布内联!)

对于IOS如果您下载FB-IOS SDK,则示例应用程序“ HelloFacebookSample.xcodeproj使用FBLoginViewclass,可以将其配置为所需的类。类似的功能应可用于Android。

The minimal native popup dialogs are not supported in Login V2, which launched yesterday at f8 (there are a few exceptions). 昨天在f8启动的Login V2不支持最小的本机弹出对话框(有一些例外)。 The SDKs will try to use the most optimal method of displaying the dialog, preferring to fast app switch to the Facebook app. SDK会尝试使用最理想的显示对话框的方法,而是希望将应用程序快速切换到Facebook应用程序。

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