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属性名称中带有空格的AngularJS Orderby

[英]AngularJS Orderby with Space in Property Name

I'm using the MEAN stack and jade. 我正在使用MEAN堆栈和翡翠。 I'm running into a problem with AngularJS using ng-repeat, ng-click, and orderby to sort columns in a table. 我在使用ng-repeat,ng-click和orderby对表中的列进行排序时遇到了AngularJS的问题。 It works fine as long as there is no space in the property name that is used for orderBy. 只要用于orderBy的属性名称中没有空格,它就可以正常工作。 The property name I'm having trouble with is "To Do". 我遇到麻烦的属性名称是“待办事项”。

I get this error in Chrome when I click the table header labeled "To Do": Error: Syntax Error: Token 'Do' is an unexpected token at column 4 of the expression [To Do] starting at [Do]. 单击标题为“ To Do”的表标题时,我在Chrome中收到此错误:错误:语法错误:令牌'Do'是从[Do]开始的表达式[To Do]的第4列的意外令牌。

I have seen a couple other posts about trouble with accessing properties with a space. 我还看过其他几篇关于使用空格访问属性的麻烦的文章。 My issue is similar but I cannot get their solutions to work. 我的问题很相似,但是我无法获得他们的解决方案。

Jade: (This is how I have set up ng-click, orderBy, and ng-repeat. It works fine unless there is a space in the column) Jade :(这是我设置ng-click,orderBy和ng-repeat的方式。除非列中没有空格,否则它可以正常工作)

  caption {{collectionName}}
      th(ng-repeat="column in columns" ng-click="setPredicate(column);")
    tr(ng-repeat="row in rows | orderBy:predicate:reverse")
      td(ng-repeat="column in columns")

Controllers.JS: (This is how Angular receives data for columns and rows. Also how ng-click changes the orderBy predicate) Controllers.JS :(这是Angular接收列和行数据的方式。也是ng-click如何更改orderBy谓词的方式)

$http.get('/api/collection/' + $routeParams.collectionName)
    $scope.collection = data;
    $scope.columns = data.columns;
    $scope.rows = data.rows;

$scope.setPredicate = function(column){
  if (column === "To Do"){
    var keys = Object.keys($scope.rows[0])
    $scope.predicate = keys[1]; 
    // $scope.predicate = "To Do"; 
    // $scope.predicate = column[$scope.columns];
    $scope.predicate = column;
  $scope.reverse = !$scope.reverse;

In the above code keys is equal to [ "_id", "To Do", "description", "due", "link", "$$hashKey"]. 在上面的代码中,键等于[[_id],“ To Do”,“ description”,“ due”,“ link”,“ $$ hashKey”]。 keys[1] is "To Do", which still does not work for the orderBy predicate. keys [1]是“待办事项”,对于orderBy谓词仍然不起作用。 I tried other variations like the two commented out attempts above. 我尝试了其他变体,例如上述两个注释掉的尝试。

NodeJS index.JS: (This is how the columns array and the rows are sent to Angular after retrieving documents from MongoDB.) NodeJS index.JS :(这是从MongoDB中检索文档后,如何将列数组和行发送到Angular的方法。)

router.get('/api/collection/:collectionName', function(req, res){
  collectionProvider.findCollection(req.param('collectionName'), function(error, documents){
    var keys;
      keys = Object.keys(documents[0]);
      columns: keys,
      title: req.param('collectionName'),
      collectionName: req.param('collectionName')

To summarize, the column headings in my table are named after the property that represents the data in the column. 总而言之,表中的列标题以代表列中数据的属性命名。 I don't know which table will be pulled up or what columns it will have so node checks all the properties of the first record and sends an array of property names to $scope.columns. 我不知道哪个表将被拉出或它将具有哪些列,因此节点检查第一条记录的所有属性并将属性名称数组发送到$ scope.columns。 I use a predicate to switch the orderBy sorting to whichever column in $scope.columns gets clicked. 我使用谓词将orderBy排序切换到$ scope.columns中被单击的任何列。

This is my first angular app. 这是我的第一个有角度的应用程序。 I originally expected to be able to use ng-click="predicate=column" in the Jade, but I was surprised to find out it did not work. 我原本希望能够在Jade中使用ng-click =“ predicate = column”,但令我惊讶的是它没有用。 That's why I'm sending to a controller function. 这就是为什么我要发送至控制器功能的原因。 I do not know if I'm going about this whole process the correct Angular way. 我不知道我是否要按照正确的Angular方法进行整个过程。

The orderBy predicate should be a function that is passed the collection, accesses the property by bracket notation and returns the value. orderBy谓词应该是一个传递给集合的函数,该函数使用括号表示法访问属性并返回值。

The setPredicate function in your case should set the value of the property that the predicate uses. 在您的情况下, setPredicate函数应设置谓词使用的属性的值。

Try something like this: 尝试这样的事情:


// Default orderBy
$scope.orderBy = $scope.columns[0];

$scope.setOrderBy = function (column) {
  $scope.orderBy = column;

$scope.predicate = function(rows) {
  return rows[$scope.orderBy];


<th ng-repeat="column in columns" ng-click="setOrderBy(column)">{{ column }}</th>

And: 和:

<tr ng-repeat="row in rows | orderBy:predicate:reverse">

Demo : http://plnkr.co/edit/2Mlc2lBf0wRVicfcfYZO?p=preview 演示http : //plnkr.co/edit/2Mlc2lBf0wRVicfcfYZO?p=preview

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