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PHP中的SimpleXML SOAP响应命名空间问题

[英]SimpleXML SOAP response Namespace issues in PHP

I'm having a seemingly impossible time getting my head around simple XML and soap. 我似乎不太可能了解简单的XML和soap。 I've read in a file to simple xml, and this is the result to show it's read in properly: 我已将文件读入简单的xml,这是显示它已正确读入的结果:

echo $garages->asXML();

// result
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetListOfFittingCentresResponse xmlns="http://TyreMen.com/UkTyreNetwork/">
         <GetListOfFittingCentresResult xmlns:a="http://TyreMen.com/UkTyreNetwork/Response/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
               <a:Description>Call completed successfully</a:Description>
            <a:FittingCentres xmlns:b="http://TyreMen.com/UkTyreNetwork/DataTypes/">
                  <b:Address2>Witty Street</b:Address2>
                  <b:BranchName>Witty Street</b:BranchName>

But I can't for the life of me work out how to reference any of that data. 但是我无法终生解决如何引用这些数据。 I've tried both these: 我已经尝试过这两个:

$t = $garages->children('s', TRUE)->Body->GetListOfFittingCentresResponse->GetListOfFittingCentresResult->children('a', TRUE)->FittingCentres->children('b', TRUE)->FittingCentre;
foreach ($t as $garage) {
    echo $garage->Address1."<br />";


echo $garages->GetListOfFittingCentresResponse->GetListOfFittingCentresResult->FittingCentres->FittingCentre[0]->Address1;

Both just throw faults, and I'm afraid I'm out of ideas. 两者都只是错误,我恐怕没有主意了。

Please can someone suggest where I'm being an idiot. 请有人提出我在白痴的位置。 Thanks :) 谢谢 :)

$t = $garages->children('s', TRUE)->Body->GetListOfFittingCentresResponse ...

This does not work because that Body element does not have a child-element named GetListOfFittingCentresResponse in it's own namespace. 这是行不通的,因为该Body元素在其自己的命名空间中没有名为GetListOfFittingCentresResponse的子元素。 Instead you need to obtain all children in the default namespace to obtain it: 相反,您需要获取默认名称空间中的所有子级才能获取它:

$xml->children('s', 1)->Body->children()->GetListOfFittingCentresResponse

You need to do this correctly for the whole traversal. 您需要在整个遍历中正确执行此操作。

How to access element with simplexml not in the default document namespace is explained here: 此处说明如何使用simplexml不在默认文档名称空间中的元素进行访问:

This is also sort of the reference question for that kind of questions. 这也是这类问题的参考问题。

A better option often is to use Xpath for traversal: 更好的选择通常是使用Xpath进行遍历:

$xml->registerXPathNamespace('s', 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/');
$xml->registerXPathNamespace('n', 'http://TyreMen.com/UkTyreNetwork/');


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