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关于Adobe Gaming SDK?

[英]About Adobe Gaming SDK?

I have no programming experience at all. 我完全没有编程经验。 I've always wanting to know how to program games and have some fun with it. 我一直想知道如何编程游戏,并从中获得一些乐趣。 I started with Corona SDK because I heard it was really simple (and it was very simple), but I decided against continuing in it (I had only programmed a character to jump until I realized --> ) because I realized that when I advance in it, I am going to end up having to pay for it. 我开始使用Corona SDK是因为我听说它确实非常简单(而且非常简单),但是我决定不继续使用它(我只编写了一个要跳转的字符,直到意识到->),因为我意识到当我前进时在其中,我将不得不为此付出代价。

In my search for a new cross-platform sdk to learn (since I don't have time, like most people, to learn and program 15 different apps in 15 different native languages), I found Moai SDK. 在寻找新的跨平台SDK进行学习(因为像大多数人一样,我没有时间像15个人一样学习和编程15种不同的应用程序)时,我找到了Moai SDK。 I was turned away from Moai since its target audience are people with prior programming experience. 我被Moai拒之门外,因为它的目标受众是那些有编程经验的人。

Later, I found Adobe Gaming SDK. 后来,我找到了Adobe Gaming SDK。 Although I doubt it is in any way as simple to pick up as Corona's Lua, if I figured if I have to learn something knew, I may as well learn something new that is as established as Adobe and their gaming SDK. 尽管我怀疑拿起Corona的Lua在任何方面都这么简单,但是如果我想知道是否必须学习一些知识,那么我不妨学习一些像Adobe及其游戏SDK一样的新东西。

I have a few questions though... 我有几个问题

1) What language does Adobe Gaming SDK use? 1)Adobe Gaming SDK使用哪种语言? (Pretty sure it is Action Script 3, but I do not know much about that either.) (肯定是Action Script 3,但我对此也不是很了解。)

2) Just how cross-platform is it? 2)跨平台如何? (Which devices?) (哪些设备?)

3) Where do I start! 3)我从哪里开始!

4) Is it free? 4)免费吗?

# 3 is the most important question for me since I don't have any programming experience, but I am willing to learn on my own. # 3对我来说是最重要的问题,因为我没有任何编程经验,但我愿意自己学习。 Honestly, I only want to learn how to program (2D) games; 老实说,我只想学习编程(2D)游戏的方法。 therefore, is there a source you can direct me to in order for me to learn from scratch and just gaming. 因此,有没有您可以指导我的资源,以便我从头开始学习游戏而已。

Any and all help is greatly appreciate! 任何帮助都将不胜感激!

PS If you have any other SDK or something that you think could suit me please help. PS如果您有任何其他SDK或您认为适合我的东西,请提供帮助。 Also, I am a cheap person, so i would prefer for resources to be free as well. 另外,我是一个便宜的人,所以我也希望资源也是免费的。 Also, please check back if you answered my question because I sometimes forget a question or will have a follow question since I am a major novice. 另外,由于您是我的主要新手,所以有时我忘记了一个问题或会有一个后续问题,请检查是否回答了我的问题。


1) What language does Adobe Gaming SDK use? 1)Adobe Gaming SDK使用哪种语言? (Pretty sure it is Action Script 3, but I do not know much about that either.) (肯定是Action Script 3,但我对此也不是很了解。)

Yeah, it's ActionScript3. 是的,它是ActionScript3。 You can also code in C/C++ using CrossBridge . 您也可以使用CrossBridge在C / C ++中进行编码

2) Just how cross-platform is it? 2)跨平台如何? (Which devices?) (哪些设备?)

Using Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR, for short), you can make your game available to several devices running iOS, Android and Windows, as long as they have the minimum requirements to run AIR. 使用Adobe Integrated Runtime (简称AIR),您可以将游戏提供给运行iOS,Android和Windows的多个设备,只要它们具有运行AIR的最低要求即可。

Your game will also run on any browser with the Flash plugin, which includes Linux, Mac and Windows. 您的游戏还将在任何带有Flash插件的浏览器上运行,该插件包括Linux,Mac和Windows。

3) Where do I start! 3)我从哪里开始!

There are plenty of materials about game development in Flash/Actionscript3, but I would recommend you to learn about a game engine first. Flash / Actionscript3中提供了大量有关游戏开发的资料,但我建议您首先学习游戏引擎。 It will make your life easier and will help you make a game faster (which will boost your motivation). 这将使您的生活更轻松,并有助于您更快地开发游戏(这将激发您的动力)。

Two famous Flash game engines are Flixel and Starling . FlixelStarling是两个著名的Flash游戏引擎。 Start by checking these GamedevTuts+ guides: how to learn Flixel and how to learn Starling (there is an article about how to learn Flash/AS3 too). 首先查看以下GamedevTuts +指南: 如何学习Flixel以及如何学习Starling (也有一篇有关如何学习Flash / AS3的文章)。

4) Is it free? 4)免费吗?

Yes, all the tools you will need are free. 是的,您将需要的所有工具都是免费的。

As a general advice, I would recommend you to take a look at GamedevTuts+ . 作为一般建议,我建议您看看GamedevTuts + It has several resources about game development, from simple concepts to more advanced things. 它具有有关游戏开发的多种资源,从简单的概念到更高级的内容。 You will find articles for people with no programming experience at all. 您会发现针对完全没有编程经验的人的文章。 It's a great place to start as a novice game developer. 这是从新手游戏开发者开始的好地方。

As a second advice, you could also use Phaser to create your games. 作为第二条建议,您也可以使用Phaser来创建游戏。 It's an easy to learn HTML5 game engine, it doesn't require several tools to develop with (all you need is a code editor and a web server) and your game will run on any modern browser. 这是一个易于学习的HTML5游戏引擎,不需要开发几种工具(您只需要一个代码编辑器和一个Web服务器),您的游戏就可以在任何现代浏览器上运行。

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