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带有Spring Boot的Hibernate Envers - 配置

[英]Hibernate Envers with Spring Boot - configuration

I'm trying to setup Hibernate Envers to work with my Spring Boot application. 我正在尝试设置Hibernate Envers以使用我的Spring Boot应用程序。

I've included the Envers dependency and added @Audited annotations and it works fine, but I'm unable to configure specific Envers properties, Spring Boot doesn't seem to pick them up. 我已经包含了Envers依赖项并添加了@Audited注释,它工作正常,但我无法配置特定的Envers属性,Spring Boot似乎没有接受它们。

Specifically, I've tried to set the different db schema for audit tables by putting these to application.properties , but without luck: 具体来说,我试图通过将这些设置为application.properties来为审计表设置不同的数据库模式,但没有运气:


or 要么


or 要么


Neither of these work. 这些都不奏效。 Does anyone know how to set these? 有谁知道如何设置这些?

EDIT. 编辑。

As M. Deinum suggested I tried: 正如M. Deinum建议我尝试的那样:


and it worked! 它工作了!

For all those configuration settings that aren't by default available you can specify them by simply prefixing them with spring.jpa.properties . 对于默认情况下不可用的所有配置设置,您可以通过在spring.jpa.properties前面添加前缀来指定它们。 Those properties will be added, as is, to the EntityManagerFactory (as JPA Properties). 这些属性将按原样添加到EntityManagerFactory (作为JPA属性)。


Adding the above to the application.properties will add the properties and should configure Hibernate Envers. 将上面的内容添加到application.properties将添加属性并应配置Hibernate Envers。

This is also documented in the Spring Boot reference guide . Spring Boot 参考指南中也记录了这一点。

Links 链接

  1. Configure JPA properties 配置JPA属性
  2. Envers Properties Envers属性

Looking through the HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration class I can't see any support for envers properties. 通过HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration类,我看不到对envers属性的任何支持。 The following might not be the best solution but nevertheless your can give it a try. 以下可能不是最佳解决方案,但您可以尝试一下。

In order to have Spring Boot support the envers properties you have to: 为了让Spring Boot支持你需要的envers属性:

  1. override the current AutoConfiguration class that Spring Boot uses to configure the Hibernate properties, so it will read the envers properties from your property files. 覆盖Spring Boot用于配置Hibernate属性的当前AutoConfiguration类,因此它将从属性文件中读取envers属性。 This will read the spring.jpa.hibernate.envers.default_schema from your file and add it to the properties of the entityManagerFactoryBean : 这将从您的文件中读取spring.jpa.hibernate.envers.default_schema并将其添加到entityManagerFactoryBean的属性中:

     @Configuration public class HibernateEnversAutoConfiguration extends HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration { private RelaxedPropertyResolver environment; public HibernateEnversAutoConfiguration() { this.environment = null; } @Override public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) { super.setEnvironment(environment); this.environment = new RelaxedPropertyResolver(environment, "spring.jpa.hibernate."); } @Override protected void configure(LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactoryBean) { super.configure(entityManagerFactoryBean); Map<String, Object> properties = entityManagerFactoryBean.getJpaPropertyMap(); properties.put("hibernate.envers.default_schema", this.environment.getProperty("envers.default_schema")); } } 
  2. exclude the original HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration that Spring Boot uses and add your own as a bean so it will be replaced: 排除Spring Boot使用的原始HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration并添加您自己的bean作为bean,因此它将被替换:

     @EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class) @EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "com.gabrielruiu.test") @EntityScan(basePackages = "com.gabrielruiu.test") @ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.gabrielruiu.test") @Configuration public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(Main.class, args); } @Bean public HibernateEnversAutoConfiguration hibernateEnversAutoConfiguration() { return new HibernateEnversAutoConfiguration(); } } 

For those using MySQL and Spring Boot , the suggestion of using: 对于使用MySQLSpring Boot的用户 ,建议使用:

spring.jpa.properties.org.hibernate.envers.default_schema=yourAuditSchema will not work. spring.jpa.properties.org.hibernate.envers.default_schema=yourAuditSchema不起作用。

Use this instead: 请改用:


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