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[英]How can I reuse an object literal

I'm trying to reuse an object I created to dynamically create more than one slider on a page. 我正在尝试重用我创建的对象来动态创建页面上的多个滑块。 My idea was to create an array and push my slider object there as often as needed, so I could access it by id. 我的想法是创建一个数组并根据需要经常推送我的滑块对象,所以我可以通过id访问它。 Unfortunatelly it doesn't work. 不幸的是,它不起作用。 Hope someone can point me in the right direction ... 希望有人能指出我正确的方向......

So what I have is this; 所以我拥有的就是这个;

var slider = {
    this.parent = $(slide_it);
    /Count Elements and create a navigation depending on the count etc./

In my (document).ready function I create an array and fill it up with different slider objects, add Ids to an accordion and call the init function: 在我的(文档).ready函数中,我创建一个数组并用不同的滑块对象填充它,将Ids添加到手风琴中并调用init函数:

var slide_array = [];
var accordion_sections = $('#accordion > div').length;
for(var i = 0; i < accordion_sections; i++){
  $('#accordion').children('div').eq(i).attr('id', 'slide_it_'+ i);
  slide_array[i].init($('#slide_it_' + i).find('.slider'));

Then I have a button with class="next" and I call a function within the slider 然后我有一个class =“next”的按钮,我在滑块内调用一个函数


My plan is to get the parent of .next and its id so that I can use slide_array[parentID].otherstuff(); 我的计划是获取.next的父节点及其id,以便我可以使用slide_array[parentID].otherstuff();

But ... it's not working propperly when I call the init function inside the for loop more then once. 但是......当我在for循环中多次调用init函数时,它没有正常工作。

More weird, some functions calls seem to work, other have no effect. 更奇怪的是,一些函数调用似乎有效,其他函数调用没有效果。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

You can use Object.create . 您可以使用Object.create

var s1 = Object.create(slider),
    s2 = Object.create(slider);


If you return this from init your will be able to chain like: 如果你从init返回this ,你将能够链接:

var s1 = Object.create(slider).init(...);

However at this point I would just ditch the object literal and use constructors, since this is what you need. 但是在这一点上,我会抛弃对象文字并使用构造函数,因为这是你需要的。

function Slider(slide_it) {
    this.parent = $(slide_it);

Slider.prototype = {
    constructor: Slider,
    otherStuff: function () {}

var s1 = new Slider(...),
    s2 = new Slider(...);

Write a function to return the object: 编写一个返回对象的函数:

function slider() {
  return {
      this.parent = $(slide_it);
      /Count Elements and create a navigation depending on the count etc./

Then: 然后:

slide_array.push( slider() );

That'll give you a separate object every time. 那每次都会给你一个单独的对象。 In you're version, you're filling the array with references to the same single object. 在您的版本中,您将使用对同一个对象的引用填充数组。

Why not just turn that into a jQuery plugin ? 为什么不把它变成一个jQuery插件

jQuery.fn.slider = function(options) {
    return this.each(function() {
        var sliderElem = $(this),
            settings   = $.extend({
                speed : 3000,
                something : 'other thing'
            }, options);


    function otherStuff(elem) {


$('#accordion > div').slider();

No iteration or jumping through hoops, just call it on the collection and it creates a new slider for each element ? 没有迭代或跳过箍,只是在集合上调用它,它为每个元素创建一个新的滑块?

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